I adore this! The art is cute as hell!!

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Old Gods of Asgard playing as you navigate the maze! Dr. Darling becoming Jesse's hype man with that dorky music video near the end!! That room with the fucking speakers that you can just vibe in!!! Music rules in this.

Not without some frustrations (death always felt kind of cheap and sometimes killed momentum, anything tanky felt like ass to fight, ugh falling to your death, and I never got lost but having all the floors complied on the maps looks terrible) but anyway this is EXTREMELY MY THING. I don't think I've ever read as many lore files as in this game and I probably only read, like, half of them. Sure there's a story but the setting is what's most impactful here. Glad they're planning to do more with it. Loved the use of live action in the video presentations.

Throwing forklifts at assholes is the fucking best

Also ugghhh lol, the joke after the credits is admittedly hilarious and totally redeems the beginning's longwinded narration.

ps4 version is a bit unstable. It crashed a lot, especially in the latter half. Didn't have any trouble besides that. I had a thoroughly good time beginning to end. Sick as hell to play. The grossness is done very well. He's just a hungry little guy 💜💜💜

I probably just suck but my frustration is spiking so early, so fast, that I just can't keep going with this

A bit janky/unpolished but the sweet/eerie VIBE is immaculate. A perfect use of an hour or so. Quest info including stuff like "the flying whale loves the sound of trains, also she is lovely" is so so so cute. The lack of mechanical complexity or challenge is good and adds to the chillness. If they iterate on this or something, I would immediately jump at it.

I don't play endless runners. I was only drawn to try out the genre due to the lycanthropic twist in this entry. And it's... some mostly okay bs to mess around with. The story lasts from about half an hour to however long it takes you to beat, depending on your skill and your choice of difficulty. I don't have many compliments but I guess I enjoyed my time with it. Honestly it was more appealing to me than I was expecting. The story is vaguely interesting, though it goes nowhere. That "To be continued" at the end is hollow lol.

The premise, however, is gold. WEREWOLF IN SPACE. Excluding works of prose, the movie Project Metalbeast is the only piece of scifi werewolf media that springs to mind, so it's a treat to find that particular subgenre here. I had read beforehand that you flee a werewolf in the game, but the fact that you are also a werewolf was a pleasant surprise. You only wolf out for short specific sections tho and the main power up of the werewolf form is... skipping the quick time events that you have to do as a human. The wolf mode is rather underused.

Also this game has terrible branding. Should've called it Space Werewolf Runner or Run Wolf Boy Run or some shit. Infinity Runner is generic as fuck and doesn't even hint at the monster.

Haven't played a lego game in like, a decade. It's interesting that they've barely changed whatsoever in all that time and the only changes they have made have been detrimental. In particular, the open world can fuck off. The voice work is performed rlly well but I don't like its inclusion. Anyway it's hilarious that you spend the first quarter of the game killing cops lmao

This is cute. Also, is that, what, the physical manifestation of Bob's fursona that's protecting him? What a weird little guy

I was always fascinated by this game/book, but never bought either of them for the longest time. Finally played the game via PS Now and it's... eh? Great atmosphere. Little character. Politics are... muddled? The fact that you can get a trophy/achievement called "Merciful" for sparing all the nazis on a level is... what the fuck

F3/New Vegas are ugly as hell, don't get me wrong, but... they're so much nicer to look at and inhabit. This one is weirdly plastic-y.

The first few hours are dog shit. Then I settled into a good vibe for like 30-40 hours, trying not to get hung up on every quest being bad/forgettable, having the most fun while I was just exploring. I liked The Glowing Sea. The last maybe 15 hours destroyed all my good will.

I know horror hasn't been the entire focus of the series but the wastelands in other installments were rife with weird and freaky shit. Fallout 4 felt lighter and more sanitized by comparison. I also miss the horror! I don't like that you fight a deathclaw in the first hour as a scripted event. It led to a lot less tension when you encounter them throughout the game.

spider-man ps4 "oops all bootlicker moments" edition. they seriously called one of the trophies "crossing the thin blue line." what the fuck

The silliest one yet. Don't think they characterized Sable consistently but I like her a lot, she's such a powerful piece of shit lmao

On par with a lot of Fallout 3's atmosphere/quests imo, so it's not GREAT but it taps into my nostalgia in a way that I like a lot. It's unfortunate that it's shackled to Fallout 4's terrible designs. I'm overrating the shit out of this despite that.

Thoroughly enjoyed my intro to fromsoftware. this shit's bountiful with gender and good girls