This is probably the best boomer shooter i have every played. From start to end, the mechanics and the gameplay, enemies and landscape are never boring. Its just dipped in atmosphere.

The ending was rather abrupt. The upgrade pacing was also a bit iffy but otherwise excellent in almost every other way. This game exudes atmosphere, in a way that shows how much love has been pumped into it. For a new IP riddle with so much progression, I'm excited to see what this studio does next.

The moment to moment gameplay felt really good for me, but after beating like 10 most wanted Paul Walkers, they just said "congrats" and rolled credits...

And seriously the EA launcher really needs to be taken out back and shot.

I think this is an interesting one, it has some perfect moments but at times i felt really flat and simplistic, especially in the realm of the boss fights. Overall, I enjoyed most aspects of it, but towards the end, if I'm being very honest i was looking forward to being done with it. Im really excited to see what the next iteration of this game is. Moving away from the blue hole to more locations will be really fun.

So, this is my game of the year so far. The realm of solo game design always surprises with such innovation, and sometimes its almost impossible to believe it was made by a single person. The way the game infolds is so unbelievably well paced, whenever the themes and rules surrounding them changes, I'm constantly left in awe that they still had more in them. The actual deck-building mechanic is really interesting and the concept is simple enough, yet it has so much room for complexity if you choose to play that way. This was such a spectacular experience, i would not shut up about this for some time and i cant wait to see what Mullins comes up with next.

This game really revitalised my love for immersive sims. I warned of some of the tedium, like the codes etc, so I was able to take note of them early. Overall, it was really a joy. Some parts were a little confusing since there isn't any hand-holding but each level was fresh and exciting enough to keep me hooked. The groves weren't as fun but the other levels were really solid. Leaning out of cover and shooting with a wide array of weapons (some that you may never find) was such a treat.

It's farcry. I think I liked it more than I expected to, but it is true that the Ubisoft formula is fatiguing. Definitely more has to be done to make the next one enjoyable, but if they dropped a remixed version of this game again, I'm not sure I'll go any hours in that at all.

This has to be honest, gotten tedious. It is still the best version of the game at this moment, but having played it like 4 times, I'm not sure I ever want to again.

Okay so where do i begin. I suppose it is AC samurai, but it does tell a compelling story about the rigidity of the honor code and saving the ones you are sworn to protect. Some mechanics in this game like the guiding wind, showdowns and map marker types are insanely innovative. Such as the bamboo strike that increase resolve, or the hotsprings that increase HP. But it does have ALOT of outpost and the gameplay specifically got stale at the halfway mark. It feels like i have played this game many times before but what kep me playing was to see the story through. Needless to say i did not liberate the entirety of Tsushima and i don't think i will for an easy platinum either. I think this type of game has so much potential but there has to be more innovation, and consistent ones at that, that will make gameplay fun and engaging.

I think they told Randy Pitchford to PITCH in less for this one. It was a lot less obnoxious than BL3 and tbh I'm not someone who is that averse to it. But this game has done all the innovative strides right. It needs a lot more guns and the variety to them but it is an excellent step in the right direction.

As far as indies goes, this was one of my favourites. As someone that loves fishes, this was a delight. I don't think I completely finished it though, the ending was a bit off and there were some elements of the game that I'm not sure what they do. Probably warrents a revisit soon.

It has so much potential. But the performance was ass. I felt like it was abit of chore to play it, but after i was in it, most of it felt really fun. Except for some bosses that are straight up unfair. Story was compelling, but idk... the antagonist, and that one sith (you know which one) felt very shoe horned. I think i have one more left in the tank for me, afterwhich, if there isnt any innovation, im going to respectfully not look forward anymore repsawn-"Jedi" games.

For a 25 year old game, it’s pretty fun. This was my contribution to May the 4. Go in peace.