Very cute little game, took me many more runs than I would like to admit. ^^;

I keep trying to write coherently how I feel about Persona 5 and just keep falling short but here are my strongest thoughts.

The combat is so fresh and entertaining! The times I had to grind (which were very rare) never felt like a chore. It is so dynamic and cool, I loved all the Showtimes as well just a ton of fucking fun.

I didn't manage enough of my time to explore all the characters, but I loved the ones I did. Akechi's story in particular is probably the most compelling. It felt like most of the writing went into the characters rather than the plot, as a lot of the main plot beats kind of fell short. This is partially my fault, as I came in expecting something a little more philosophical and heady, but any of those elements felt much more like things that weee vaguely referenced rather than being a part of the plot.

I will probably like it a lot more the second time. I spent like over 100 hours in this game and the thought of doing it again is kind of annoying, but I am looking forward to actually using a New Game+ option sometime in the future.

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I'd rather have something corny but genuine instead of something polished and insincere, and that's what Alan Wake is to me. It's got the base of a compelling story that ultimately kept me going even through the dark parts.

Most frustrating parts first: I like the combat in theory, but hate it in practice. The flashlight is very cool and I loved the part in the DLC where you'd shine lights on words and it would appear was just mwah. However, I don't know if I'm just bad at video games (probably), but even the parts of combat I enjoyed fucking SUCKED because I'd trigger it too early and get swarmed by enemies anyway. I had to play the last DLC special on Easy which made me enjoy the game more. And this mfer can't RUN hit the gym and put on some tennis shoes Alan I'm BEGGING you!!

I sure hope Remedy improved writing women. Alice Wake is nothing more than a boobed McGuffin, which is disappointing. They did leave her a ramp to develop her own voice in Alan Wake 2, so that leaves me somewhat hopeful at least.

The things I do like are it's narrative and setting. Alan Wake is about a man trapped by his own success and continues to make it worse through various means of self-sabotage. I think many creatives would empathize with his plight, especially because Alan is not the most likeable character. The battle with creativity applies to everyone regardless of virtue.

The game wears its inspiration on its sleeves, Twin Peaks and Twilight Zone being the most obvious and recognizable. Alan Wake also shares similar themes to these works, but may not execute them as successfully. I still believe Alan Wake is able to stand as its own independent work of art while still being proud of its creative predecessors.

This review, like Alan Wake, is not the most eloquent depiction of the experience one would have with this game. However, the ideas Alan Wake is trying to share are worth listening to. It's corny but charming, and I look forward to seeing more of that energy hopefully carried over into the sequel.

It only took me 50 hrs to complete but I swear I would just go into a Pikmin trance and then not come back to reality until I got too frustrated to keep playing. It felt like I was a little guy in a big 'ol world for waaayy longer than my actual playtime.

The main story is very good! Oatchi is best boy and I really liked having his abilities make the game feel more casual. I liked the flexibility to explore the areas at my leisure but the enemies and caves were still a good challenge. The Dandori Battles and Challenges were a lot of fun if frustrating due to my own Dandori Issues.

I didn't like how the areas were just DEAD if you defeated all the enemies, I wish they would respawn after a certain point like they do in the caves. The 7th level in the Sage Cave was the worst one it felt more luck based than anything and I did start biting the Nintendo.

TL;DR: Love being a little guy with my little Pikmin

Tl;dr: This is a good game I get why gay people like it so much (I'm gay and I like it so much)
There is no reason this game should have been open world, there are swaths of this game that are far too large.
Too many collectibles with far too little reward.
Never thought I'd say this, but I missed the tactics. There were times companions just did not do what I wanted them too, or I wanted to have more options for them.
On Xbox at least, a lot of my powers were unusable because they didn't fit in the battle menu which was disappointing!
Great job on the homosexuals, love all those guys.
Magic was the easiest to pick up in this game, it was too scary in Origins.
I don't know what I was doing that racked up so many hours but the fact that I spent that long in game without getting exceedingly bored says something I guess!
Art design was beautiful, the tarot cards in particular were stunning.
I loved seeing Hawke again!! It was nice for her to get a solid continuation of her story.

Dragon Age has been better but this is very much a return to form after DA:2. The fact that they are taking a while on the next one is promising. Good times were had by all.

This marks a great future for mainline Pokemon games. The characters were the most charming since Black and White, and the new battle mechanics take away a lot of what made Pokémon a chore. The bugs are super duper annoying, I will not deny that. In any open world I am expecting quite a few pop ins and delays but this was very taxing at times. Still put 70 hours in, very excited for the next one. Please take your time on the next one. And put Wobbuffet back in or I will burn GameFreak to the ground.

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I like this game more than I dislike it. My likes are easy: every companion is always at least a little bit at odds with Hawke at any given point, but ultimately Hawke is a capable leader that all of them felt ready and willing to follow (even Fenris who I didn't do all his companion quests for bc I forgor 💀). There are some big game choices which I actually had to ponder what decision I would take. The storytelling of Act 2 in particular was quite excellent. I really enjoyed most if not all of the banter, sometimes having two companions that HATE each other was far more entertaining that everyone who agrees with me 100%. Sometimes the "diplomatic" or "friendship" decisions feel bad! I like having my original choices challenged by a game. I also liked the ability to be a goofy, snarky guy. And of all things, the tactics were decent. I was more willing to take advantage of them than I was while playing Origins (this doesn't mean a lot as I am not a very tactical gamer). I also didn't fall into a panic whenever Hawke died and I had to pick up mage controls! Those parts of the combat experience made me open to other classes in this title or others, which I did not expect.

What I didn't like is a much smaller list. It is, of course, seeing the same dungeons over and over, sometimes even the exact same cave doing two separate story missions. It was more of a minor annoyance than anything, but I think that in conjunction with the fact that the whole games never leaves the same location made it tiring. I also murdered way more people than I would have liked to, but I don't know if that was my own damn fault or there is just an excess of murder in this one. I was also a little peeved I was killing way less templars than I thought I would be in the final battle. Let me and the squad go at em.

Overall, I had more fun playing DA2 than I expected, and the annoyances are just that. It feels like a decent follow-up to Origins, maybe more in-line with a side story than a main title. Still a good game, it's Dragon Age, baby.

PS: Anders can do a little terrorism, as a treat.