cute little adventure in a dying world


you can see how this game shaped the future of the game industry very clearly and it is amazing.
the start is pretty hard, but it gets better the more you play (just like the first game) and the gameplay elements are... curious.

SHODAN's presence in this game feels kind of rushed, as if they put her in the game because people liked her so much in the the first one. Even though, she is still a great villain and the new one, the Many, is equally as great.

probably one of the best remakes i've ever seen, extremely faithful to the original but also really really fun to play

you go through time loops trying to survive some kind of singleplayer among us situation, meanwhile you solve the weird mysteries of the story

not my type of game, but it's pretty cool

came here looking for a nice horror visual novel, got something far far better. I don't think there's ever been a game that surpassed my expectations so much as this one.

great story, characters and mysteries. if this isn't a hidden gem then i don't know what is.

fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game fuck this game

surprisingly fun for a 1996 rogue-like.
the story is pretty weird but i did enjoy it once i started figuring everything out.
how to advance the plot is kind of a puzzle, obtuse at first but very satisfying once you see what you have to do.

a great comeback to the series.
I was scared that part of the charm of the original games would be lost with the transition to 3D, but I was glad to find that the new models and their animations still had that same energy as the 2D sprites.

The new characters introduced were pretty good and the cases, overall, were also good, although I hated the whole "the culprit completely transforms into a supersaiyan form when they are cornered" trope (SPECIALLY in the extra case).

Special credit to the final case, which managed to tie every loose end in a very satisfying way, easily putting it in the top 5 of the best cases in the entire ace attorney series.

first time i've experienced vertigo in a videogame

great game if you are mentally deranged

being only 3 levels, it is not able to create that webbed narrative that the original campaign has.
however, it is still cool to see how albert and oberon managed to get their hands on the golden idol

one of the most unique detective games i've ever played. the bizarre art really adds to the experience and the music is really really good (sorry for breaking the third virtue).

something i really liked was how all the scenes were interconnected, and being able to jump from scene from scene so quickly made it very enjoyable to follow all the different characters across the story.

neat little walking simulator.
the story and gameplay mechanics are interesting, even if the ending is a bit disappointing

one of the most unique games i've ever played.


still waiting for beep 2 🙌