pretty regular platformer, doesn't stand out much but it was fun

much better than the first dlc. I love how the "words of power" mechanic is used to fight large groups of enemies (specially during that final run to the lighthouse)

god, the gameplay... it hurts... make it stop...
i had to force myself to finish this, i really hope the next DLC is better

the story is really interesting, basically what kept me going because the gameplay is horrid

cool game, cool puzzles, really easy to understand despite the game not uttering a single word through it's entire duration.

but also, what the fuck is the meaning of ANYTHING in this??? I genuinely think there's no explanation at all and it's just cool stuff randomly thrown at you, with the only objective of letting the animation and art deparment flex (and a well deserved flex to be honest).
however, while playing the game this comes across as "this alien shit is incomprehensible so don't even try" and i think thats pretty cool.
It also fits into the game aesthetic perfectly: you are constantly looking at these weird organic/robotic creatures, sometimes more fleshy sometimes more metalic but always a mix of the two. The level design is the same, with this natural landscapes, broken paths, corridors that lead nowhere... as if they were trying to tell you a story; but you also have the puzzles that are implemented in this environments in a very unnatural way, almost as if they were Portal test chambers. Again, a mix of organic and inorganic, of real and false. It's incredible how they took something that is often considered a "mistake" in videogames (take for example ICO and how nonsensical it's level design was) and implemented it perfectly into the vibes of the world.

okay okay, maybe french people are capable of making beautiful things sometimes

if you haven't read the original book, play it.
if you have, play it either way

it tells the same exact story from the book, but from a different point of view which I think is even better, which is why, if you know nothing about Regis III, I recommend it over the original.

also worthy of note is that the game is absolutely beautiful. even the most "simple" desert-like landscapes are breathtaking. not to say the most... "complex" ones.

the only thing i feel can make other people not like this as much is the gameplay, which is a bit slow. Not that i cared, i love this sort of slow, immersive and atmospheric games and always have, but I could understand if some people didn't like it. At the end of the day, it's a walking simulator with a few fun mechanics every once in a while.

i love playing this in front of my little sister and seeing her look of pure horror trying to understand what the fuck is happening.

had more fun with this DLC than with the "Spider of Lanka", even if I felt it was far easier.
It's incredible how they still keep building such well-intertwined plots. You can go back to the first chapter and find clues about later reveals (something that the main game did even better since it had more chapters).
I can't wait for the release of "The Rise of the Golden Idol"

this game is a masterpiece and i'm sure that in the future, when the release problems are just a distant memory, it'll be remembered as one of videogame's legends

the king of wands.

i love espionage stories and this one provides.
such great characters, storylines, side missions... and Dogtown, even though it's the ruins of a failed city project, its absolutely beautiful in it's decadency

i find it funny how consistent it is that the "hidden masterpiece" kind of games always allow you to harvest and sell human organs somehow.


the second best orphan incident i've ever had in a videogame

significantly worse than the main game, and it's still a masterpiece. how does he keep getting away with this