Crack cocaine if it was a playable video game for the ps2

Super awesome game, pretty much what anyone would want from a modern Myst-like game. Environmental storytelling and immersive locales are second only to Riven. Only thing I didn't like is that in the back half of the game a lot of the puzzles are dependent on Loading between different areas/backtracking a lot, and there's a pretty long load screen every time.

billy basso must have worked for the cia or something because some of these puzzles are like zodiac cipher level shit

Game has it's flaws, but the map has some of the absolute best of open-world exploration in any game ever. There were so many crazy and magical moments in every corner of this game. I really only wish I could play it for the first time again, because after knowing what to expect it loses a bit of what makes it special.

started playing this after Riven blew my fuckin mind dude - playing this game feels like discovering the actual D'ni civilization cuz all the players are so dedicated and immersed in Myst lore they literally speak the language - there are even community events where they hold language classes.

Loved my time playing through the ages in the base game - but what also blew my mind is that this game is STILL getting updates with fan written ages regularly, and they're pretty cool levels too, definitely recommend checking it out if you love the lore

Straight up best game ever made.
- Excellent well-paced story with engaging and dynamic characters. Game is definitely worth playing for story alone.
- Large-scale beautiful environments with tons of areas worth exploring
- Combat is super fun and in depth, really tactical but with enough action to keep it engaging. Difficulty is also very well-balanced, never to easy or difficult unless you make it that way
- Switch remaster is an incredible upgrade and fixes every possible flaw with the game with countless quality-of-life fixes

how the crap do you beat the last guy wh

no way they turned the crystal tower raid into a whole game

best story in a video game probably

game should not be this fun it feels wrong

really neat game, definitely deserving of all the praise it gets. Open world kinda wears off after a while and I got burnt out, might try it again sometime.

Awesome game with two specific puzzles that are total ass.