I was looking for Pre-Fortress 2, wtf is this?

I'm too much of a smooth brain to have fun with this I'm sorry. Really impressive work on the developer's side, Source mods will never cease to amaze me but god damn it I can't think four-dimensionally.

I... actually really liked it?
The hang glider, Scrambled Egg Zone and the final boss can go fuck themselves though.
DO NOT play this on the Game Gear however. This game is seriously hindered by that system's screen crunch and it's unfortunate that this game is mostly played via that version.

Fine enough game but for some reason, back when I played it years ago on the Wii U eshop the game was incredibly laggy and made it borderline unplayable.

Far less balanced than its sequels, the specials such as the Kraken are laughably overpowered, but honestly that's the fun of it. With how Nintendo put more thought and time into balancing the sequels in order to create a larger competitive scene for the series, Splatoon 1 is focused on simply being a fun, chaotic 4v4 shooter and it delivers it in spades.

The story mode in this game is shockingly really fun and interesting from what I remember. Worth a play at least once.

I'm giving this one a 'boring' outta 10.

An extremely overlooked gem on the Wii. For some reason it has a very dark sense of humor with a load of jokes about consumerism and society in general.
The soundtrack has no reason being as good as it is but god damn, Ubisoft went all out, with a mix of soothing licenced music representing the humans and chaotic brass representing the insanity of the rabbids.
The way Rabbids Go Home incorporates the wiimote into its gameplay is also incredibly charming without going into detail as I feel it is a very fun surprise going in.
I'd recommend any Wii owner give this game a shot, I don't think you'd regret it.

Drawing with the wiimote is classified as torture in 52 countries.

A pretty overlooked gem. Hardly ever see anybody talk about this game which is a shame, it's definitely worth a couple hours of your time.