This is not a game, with the exemption of persona 4 no other game has completely consumed me

I like it for sure but I have some problems with it, for 1 the controls feel very dated and took alot of getting used to, and 2 it isn't "fun" in the way games like Brawl or Ultimate are the combo game is nuts but it feels like it's missing something tho, will play again at a later point

Played this with my older brother back when I was a kid I don't remember it very well but I remember liking it

It's Christmas day 2012 I'm 6 years old openings presents with my family when my sister opens a box with a Leap Frog in it, She says smugly "I'll let you use it sometimes" then my Mom hands me my last present a small rectangle box I open it and find a red Nintendo 3DS I'm absolutely shocked I didn't even know these things existed and to go with my new 3DS was 3 games one of them being this game so yeah I'll always love it

One of the most perfect games ever made

I hate to be that guy.... Anyway everything about this game exempt the aesthetics is outdone by p3 or p4

Has imo the best vibes and the best hub while also having my favorite boss fights in a Mario game (My personal fav being Mecha Bowser) what really holds it back is the level design which sucks all in all only 3 outta the 7 worlds were fun to go through however it gets points for having fludd.

Fun game, played while i watched Code Geass no complaints

Played again at my local shop had a much better time

Hard to go back to after you play the VR one