Such a great little game. Seriously, one of the greatest Wii games and it costs ~$5 secondhand. There's no reason to NOT give this a shot. The soundtrack is incredible, it's all around such a good time and really made my summer of '22.

Another entry in this series that I hadn’t played before, and coming in at $10 loose I had a pretty good time. I have seen arguments that the existence of MK7 destroys MKDS’s replay value or vice versa, but with personally having a nostalgia factor with MKDS I can appreciate value in both.

Wish I could play as my guy Dry Bones!

World of light is no subspace….

Beat single player again to refamiliarize myself with the game. Favorite level: The Octogalaxy

There's really no reason to play RBY when you have this (except for getting exclusives). Crystal is such a packed game, especially for its time, despite how crazy the pacing is. Definitely the best of the GB/C Pokemon selection, boasting a really streamlined visual experience. Prepare to devote at least 100 hours to just beating this game normally, both of my normal playthroughs have taken that long. Compared to gens 3-5 it leaves a lot to be desired and requires a lot of patience, which is why I wouldn't put it up against most newer entries. It is pretty cool for what it is, though.
251/251 Pokemon Caught
16/16 Gym Badges
350+ Hours

Completed all cups through 150cc- haven't touched mirror or time trials yet.
I never actually owned this as a kid- it was always the coveted game that I would only get to play at sleepovers. When my aunt was moving, she gave me my cousins' old copy that we used to play together. It's a solid entry! Not quite Double Dash but really fun and has a lot going on, and the course selection is really nice. Another title that's got me playing the heck out of the wii

Can’t believe it’s been 6 years since I first played this. I said this back in 2018, and I’ll say it again now- one of the best DLC experiences I’ve had. Incredibly innovative not only in level design but the supplemental world and design created for it.

I never had a chance to play this as a kid, so there's no nostalgia factor for me. Although it has less content, I honestly feel like Wii Sports just has more consistent replay value? I dunno. This game is fine. In the pile of games I play with my roommate every week or so

WITW? Incredible game. You have to play it for yourself. Not overwhelming, but enough content to keep you interested for hours. The creator is also a really nice guy.

Peak Gaming

If you like the original PvZ you'll enjoy this. Simple concept with hard as balls gameplay after the third tank. My only complaint is that I wish there were steam achievements- there are clear in-game landmarks and I want to be able to flaunt beating tank 4 to my friends, dammit.

I don’t think anyone really thinks this is an exceptional game. But, like so many other people, I find myself glued to this shit for a week at a time, until I forget about it for a month and eventually come back. There’s hardly anything to do or work towards but for some reason you just keep coming back. It’s like a very very rudimentary Sims

Story Mode Log:
Doesn't blow me away enough to say it's better than 2's story mode, but not really worse? Though I have to say, Octo Expansion still stays on top as far as single player campaigns for me. Unlike past titles, it didn't really give me any reason to care more about the new idols or even give me a clue about their personalities. I feel like the characters in 1 and 2 are infinitely stronger and more fleshed-out designs, and I feel like this campaign could have benefited
from just sticking to past tropes rather than trying to be new and not getting all the way there. Although it doesn't succeed at open-world, unfortunately, I would love to see that for the franchise at some point. With the boss fights being fewer and far between, (even if the manta boss being a huge Mario sunshine reference got a kick out of me) it made for a less memorable story mode, and the only thing that got me psyched was my big salmon buddy. Maybe not the best Splatoon campaign, but still a fun time!

My childhood Mario Kart- although I unlocked ROB in highschool, I since lost my original copy and had to buy a replacement a few years back. It's not the best in the series, but certainly high up there for me and full of content. I've mained Dry Bones for as long as I can remember and my favorite track is Airship Fortress.

I first played this when I was 16... and it was my first real sonic game. As a complacent enjoyer of b movies, it's entirely on brand that I love this cheesy "b movie" of a game. It doesn't exactly stand up to what Mario and other franchises were doing at the time, but regardless it boasts a fun (at times, very broken) and unique gameplay structure, introduces iconic characters, and has one of the best video game soundtracks ever. There's tons to do in this game after beating the main stories, too.

Nothing deserves a full-fledged remake quite like SA1 & 2 do.