2001. An unforgettable year. In 2001 we were blessed with three magical events: Two of which being Shrek and...


It was a great privilege to play the original Shenmue, and I am pleased to inform any and all reading this review, that its successor is even better.

I bought this game on a whim from Gamestop. It was in one of the used game cases with the power to the players covers instead of the actual game cover and it was just called Soccer Mania so I had no idea it was a Lego game until I got home and started it up. Turned out to be one of the most pleasant surprises in my gaming career.

This is what being a gamer is all about, man.

Most people know this as the game that added FIRST PERSON CAMERA. But I recognize this game's true worth as the game that introduced WIGGLER.


That perfect combination of jank and pure unbridled heart that's impossible to replicate. This game will reign eternal as a masterpiece

i freakin love games that use real life logic. you have to make sure you're wearing shoes before you climb through a broken window or your feet get cut. i love that stuff man. kojima vibes.

343 has finally made a fun Halo game........if they keep adding maps and game modes to the multiplayer, it'll turn into something really special. Oh, and I hope they rethink their microtransaction setup. Colors costing money is so absurdly stupid, and I wish you could mix and match armor pieces between the cores.

Better than pokemon ever was only because it had voice chat. I traded with a random little kid and he was yelling DO YOU HAVE IRONBUG over and over again through my PSP speakers

with this being zane loftons game (yeah that zane lofton), ihad high hopez. i didnt however.. accpect those hopes to be shattered harder then howard slump shatterd the net in the '01 trennis leage championshits (championships sorry my back space key is missing)

simpley the best atmosphear of any game realeased in recent years.. the best gun play.. the best maps.. the most style-ish game ive plaid in years.

well done zame,

It doesn't work on my computer so i don't know. sorry.

I absolutely love this game and look back fondly on it, especially the online mode in its early stages. Slogging my way through every single heist setup and heist with random players was a huge achievement for me and one of my favorite experiences in video games.

simply the best 2d platformer ever conceived

5 stars for the third level where I spent dozens of hours in Far Far Away playing Grand Theft Shrek and I never progressed the story

This is great, I would rank it up there among the older ones if it had all the pokemon modelled into the game. I miss opening Wonder Trade and receiving some random pokemon that can't even be found in the region