10 reviews liked by guilhermelclopes

jogo mais divertido do mundo pra encontrar amigos e simplesmente jogar

Wolverine's gotta get the god of Olympus or something.

bao que dava pra destruir os predio que caia tudo reto

Não lembro se eu zerei, mas me diverti a beça.

prédio no chão, gente gritando, parte de robô voando, muito foda

Really makes you feel like Batman



Mother of God, you changed the cover art from the beautiful, hand painting by the director of Ico himself, to the North American abomination. What the hell is wrong with you backloggd?
Please bring back Ueda's painting https://i.imgur.com/azarEXL.jpg



Who changed the box art to this abomination.

pretty, has some okay combat, too big and long for no reason

To make it short: RDR2 is THE best open world game that has been ever made, obviously by the studio that has been making THE best open world games out there. It's superior on all levels to all other games that claim to be open world and is only one of the very few that truly live up to the genre name.