Love when a Tetris game makes me feel like I'm defusing a live explosive. This is a faultless and ruthless take on the classic format. T.A. Death is a great way to get nightmares. Pumping soundtrack and neat, industrial backgrounds.

It's Galaga, but they made the aliens cute and the backgrounds pretty. There's an end-stage now, and multiple endings based on performance. Love the cocktail-jazz tune that plays when you lose. That's Galactic Dancin'

The ultimate co-op Kirby experience, which at this point was basically co-op Smash Bros. The whole "you need to use that power on this obstacle" thing doesn't work with a four-player run, but it's good fun at least 90% of the time.

Fascinating "rail shooter-meets-ATB" combat system, brisk and well-paced cinematic story, rich and mysterious sci-fi world, organic and adaptable customization systems... Not perfect, but pretty miraculous. Especially pre-OoT.

I don't find the overworld exploration or puzzles very interesting (sometimes they're aggravating), but the combat is full of neat ideas for turn-based combat, and it's a fun fleshing-out of the Marioverse. Easy, but not stupid.

Every day I wake up and remind myself to outlive Keiji Inafune.

It's such a friendly, pick-up-and-play take on the roguelike. I love how many of its mechanics also work as tiny storytelling embellishments. Art is surprisingly lovely as well. Post-game dungeons are mostly just torture.

Part of that Y2K style that used awkward 3DCG and pre-rendered textures to tell sci-fi stories about machines/souls (Garage, Kowloon's Gate, Malice@Doll), attached to 3D Mystery Dungeon. Too obscure, but fascinating.

Really kicked the spectacle and boss fights of the first game into overdrive. Sometimes it feels like it spills over into chaos, and it's too long for something you'd 1CC (but there is a continue system). In any case, too cool to deny.

Really delivers on the cinematic front. The first few hours of this game are enchanting, and the setting is so unique. It kinda falls apart towards the end. The combat I can take or leave. The OST is fantastic.

It gets as much as possible out of its simple "Irritating Stick" gameplay premise, but it feels kind of lacking in variety or modes. Has old-school SNES game spirit without the actual content. Cute, though!

Its conveyor belts of scenery and obstacles are so well-considered. You start off running on tall grass against a screaming sunset. You drown in a sea of blood and return as a demon! The best rail shooter ever.

There's so much detail and interactivity packed into its single-screen stages, and tension between your tactical approach and the ticking timer. But by God it stresses me out with its screaming alarms and slow elevators.

Such a cool take on the match-puzzle game, where you're exchanging small coins until each makes a thousand. Insanely high skill ceiling (and ruthless AI), but fun to play solo. Perky and silly magical-girl premise.

A short shmup with variable stages and a meter you have to keep down by chain-killing foes to avoid an instant ride to the final boss. Its Rez-like CyberWar premise and presentation are extremely cool. Plays great.