Love the pastel-fantasy look and the Kinu Nishimura designs. The somewhat unorthodox characters make for interesting team compositions which would be greatly expanded upon in D&D Mystara. A personal favorite.

I used to really love this series as a kid. The core saber-slashing combat and movement are really smooth and fun. I appreciate how ruthless it is. Stage designs are overall a disappointment. Looks cool, though.

Looks really good for its time, and as someone who had no prior Star Fox experience I enjoyed it just fine upon release, even though it's a hopelessly mediocre Zelda-like with some shoehorned Star Fox characters.

Having played Spike Out and gone back to this with a better understanding of the mechanics, I think it's pretty cool. Dig the theme, but it still feels very nasty to the player. Hopefully I can get someone to co-op with me.

The concept of a "single-player fighting game" is kind of dead in the water. The art and character designs are amazing, though. I don't like how the game locks moves behind level-ups, movesets feel truncated.

The 3D models they made for the 3DS games are actually really nice, it's hilarious that GameFreak scrapped them for the current expressionless versions. This generation had no post-game and little content, really.

It's very cozy and fun to just drive around the town, seeing who you run into. The sub-RE4 corridor-shooting sections are tedious and bad. The game plays to its strengths most of the time, but it can be a chore.

The "miniature shmup" combat was neat but this game's humor, writing, storytelling, art style and characters did basically nothing for me. I don't think I would've finished it had I encountered minimal resistance.

Surprisingly spooky and atmospheric exploration, the diegetic HUD is neat and vivisecting stock enemies is engaging. The campaign itself is not great: too many fetch quests, and every single boss fight is a letdown.

I think it's a solid Capcom beat-'em-up but I don't have much to say about it. It feels fairly balanced and 1CC-able. I think I'm just not into the 90s comic-book aesthetic, and the lack of supers keeps things rather flat.

It's a pretty serviceable retread of RE4, but the disjointed stages feel a bit "whatever" by the mid-point. It doesn't feel nearly as good to play. The nightmare-world premise is pretty creative even if the story's a mess.

The "New Age Apocrypha" visuals are nicely reminiscent of Dali's Biblical paintings. The bold fashion-forward direction is unique and fun. As a character-action game it's unfortunately quite boring and/or tedious.

Solid "RPG beat-'em-up," even if I'm not a huge fan of Vanillware combat-feel. The post-game co-op loop is pretty fun and the Frazetta-inspired art direction is neat. Would appreciate a modern port at any rate.

Tries a few new things, some more successful than others, but is basically just "more Katamari," with a suitably sardonic attitude about that. The first game was great enough for the rest of the series to tread water.

Playing through this as a teen was an experience, the graphics and set pieces are impressive for the hardware, but it's ultimately the beginning of KH's QTE-combat which I don't like. Weirdly grind-y, too. Fun times, though.