milk inside a nothingburger of milk

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very beautiful and often very fun but too forgiving and too eager to hold your hand. by the time you feel like you're getting out of tutorial zone it's.. kinda over. kind of wish that if we were going to have more characters thrust upon us (bordering on too many imo) they'd have more depth than funny hehe dog pun names. needs more "penis music" ost. wish they'd actually dedicated to trying to fit the plot into pikmin's overall story (i know) instead of being like "well.. just figure it out :)" and giving non answers in interviews.. in general i find the worldbuilding in 4 feels pretty off and clashes with the series' otherwise bleak and alone feel; the house area in particular, like.. if all humans are supposedly dead and this is forever in the future why does the place have GAS. in general, of course, ymmv, but personally i prefer how lonely and small 1 makes you feel over 4's funtime puppy heehoo :) shtick

it IS a stunning game visually though, and i did have fun with it. even on days where i'm like oh.. that was pretty mid actually, i have to give 4 credit where it's due; pikmin needed this

tldr i can't ever tell if this game was kind of.. ass or if i actually loved it but i certainly don't regret playing it; you win this time nintendo

i know the devs likely want me to have p2w fomo and feel the urge to grind this that whatever to be top rank or something but unfortunately for them i'm too busy spinning my character around to care. this game is unashamedly cash grabby but it's somehow.. kind of ignorable if you're just like me and using it as a medium to take pictures of your ocs. it's greedy, takes up a lot of space, and has wonky translations and a skip worthy story mode, but it's still at its base level a surprisingly well made game, especially for something that runs on phones. the clothing designs are genuinely very good and the 3d modelling is crazy, not to mention the level of customization for the actual character itself. in general i'm surprised that such a gorgeous unreal engine game can run on my crappy old iphone LOL; though at the same time it seems to have worse optimization on android. it's also not really that time demanding and doesn't make you do any horribly boring grindy tasks for your dailies. in the end.. it's a good gpose replacer and that's all i really want from it

>ask the developer if the game has genderlock or not
>they seem unsure. explain what is genderlock and what is not
>"there's no gender, muse :)"
>find nice shoes
>they're locked

i'm so sad this game is over. every now and then i remember it very fondly out of nowhere.. the pixels are wonderful and the entire game has so much charm.. a really fun experience overall. reminds me of the quirky nds titles you'd see back in the day. one of the most underrated indies i can think of, i really adored it. i only wish there was more :')

i wanna love endwalker but the more i think about it the more it just irks me, the message feels off and the way the devs laughed off people liking and understanding hermes with a "oh, you were supposed to hate him..!" makes little sense with what the plot was.. supposedly trying to go for. i can understand why some people really love it, i think, but personally i can't relate to people saying it really helped with their depression or changed their outlook at all. not to mention the pacing. you can tell it was rushed and squished together in places it shouldn't have been. that being said, i can't say i didn't enjoy my first playthrough of it, but i barely ever want to think about it now. better experienced than thought about too long, i guess. there's some very good moments but there's a lot of slog, and to ME, a lot of the emotional notes hit really hollow but ymmv.

i'm not sure it's worth talking about 6.x or not on an entry for the base msq but.. i also feel a little cheated out of what i was told to expect in square being all "wow! the wol gets to be an adventurer again isn't that nice" and the vibe of how 6.1 was going (which i actually liked a ton) only for it to be like. another generic save the world my final message goodbye plot.. which this time is practically just lifted from another game anyway, and it's not like xiv isn't shy of using other ff titles, but if i wanted to go play ffiv.. i'd go play ffiv man..

tldr: they benched my wife in the patches, unplayable. i miss shb fight design. i miss shb. yoshida when i get you.

has some top tier guys but i personally found the "this is fucked up!" thing to be kind of overplayed in marketing etc.. perhaps my tastes are just strange, but i didn't find it that extreme. i can see how it'd come across that way to people not well versed in, er, fetish territory of any kind though.

there could've been more interesting choices in my opinion and i feel like the plot had potential that was never explored.. i know this is ultimately just porn but i was hoping for it to get a little into the darker details. can't say my time was entirely wasted because the protags are very cute and i like their dynamic but i left feeling a little edged, is all.

it was cute and i liked the overall vibe but unlike what the devs will have you believe the story is pretty absent. it was fun while it lasted but left me with a feeling of 'that's it?' rather than feeling like i'd.. done something. it was still a relaxing and enjoyable enough experience, but i'd not recommend it for full price. i wanted to like it more but.. it just didn't deliver like i hoped.

unironically had a lot of fun playing through this game (enough to go back to it on multiple occasions). not too proud of this.

i love the way that this game looks and sounds a lot... which makes the fact that it's actually kind of unfun even more of a shame. the controls are just Not Nice and neither is the gameplay, which kind of dulled the impact of everything else that's going on - not that it's that deep a game, but it's hard to bask in the ~vibes~ when you're shiddily wiggling along the same platform for the 500th time. at least it was pretty, in that wonderfully crappy crispy old way.