18 Reviews liked by highpriestess

Very fun and cute game. The art is beautiful and expressive and the dialogue perfectly reflects the struggle of queer teens

This is a shorter game that succeeds in what it aims to do. Exploring a new planet, cleaning up 'the gunk', and progressing area to area to progress the short narrative is what this game is all about. The game is visually impressive and doesn't overstay it's welcome.



Is this really what it’s like in Louisiana?

i skipped so much school to play this on release

The best remake of the saga and the best game

i am a simple person. if there are boats and shanties and greek mythology, i will love it.

i love rpgs (repressed passionate gays)

Huh, guess I liked this one a bit more than most of the reviewers here did. I can't say I remember much about this game I played and beat a few years ago, but I do remember enjoying the atmosphere and I didn't think the game got in its own way too much. Maybe a future replay will have me singing a different tune.

Sort of interesting concept but not really. Just another endless stripped of ideas puzzle based alcoholic grieving for their tragically dead families and haunted pasts horror.

Nothing about the character and plot stood out to me at all. It had some moments where I'm a bit more on edge than I would be. It's kinda cool with it's different endings and I think the nightmare one is easily the most interesting, but none are really a satisfying pay off for the grueling hours of puzzles.

Overall I think this game tries to do something cool but apart from the fact that this is potentially the darkest game I have ever played (I literally couldn't see for half of it) the game never uses those ideas to do any interesting beyond passing judgement on 'sinners'.

Another one of those awful horror games that feels like it was made by people who don't understand or give a shit about the genre in the slightest and just consider it an easy target for a quick payday

deadass this is one of these games that you say are cool because you yourself want to appear cool online in front of your imaginary game connoisseur friends

I come back to this game randomly whenever I want a game that keeps my hands busy, ya know?

Podcast game through and through, but very good at that so I can't slander. I love speeding down the hills, doing cool ass tricks, and roguelite mechanics to keep most runthroughs fresh.

If my knowledge of the Russian Revolution and it's consequences are greatly increased by doing a sick flip on a bike, then clearly it is doing something.

This game made me discover a passion for interior design