fun characters and interesting set pieces towards the end, but otherwise very mid

great start and middle, but it realllly fizzles out at the end

first few years of release:
insanely polished fps with pixar-like animations and great characters. it helps that this was the first multiplayer shooter I really got into, would even spend entire weekends playing if I hit a groove

the term "game feel" is thrown around a lot, but it's just so satisfying to sleep dart an ulting opponent as Ana and teabagging that ass. And can't forget the SEXTUPLE KILL

end of the road:
characterse, stages, and modes, were really slowing down the past few years, and some ranked decisions were odd (not allowing free pick in the beginning). I think a lot of content they tried to save for Overwatch 2 and decided to drip feed us instead. But we all know how overwatch 2 launch turned out

I have a lot of fond memories playing, but am aware of the short comings. Can still easily recommend this to people with time machines as the servers are down. 4/5

on it's own, amazingly solid game with that blizzard polish - insane animations and characterization specifically - but as a sequel to overwatch 1 it's frankly appalling.

less modes, 5v5 instead of 6v6, some heroes were re balanced to the point of being less fun to play than 1, same with several maps.

but if you never played 1 you'll have a blast playing nonetheless, I can see this being the "mario kart" of the shooters I play for several more years - play a few hours a month and that'll satisfy me

TLDR still a very fun game, but as a sequel it's terrible. so overall I'm gonna have to give it a 2.5/5

I was looking for a cheap game on Steam, so I did what I always do and sorted by "user reviews" and looked at the "overwhelmingly positive" games - and there I found this. From the rave reception I was expecting a very in-depth personality test with maybe a neat story to go with it and some twists and turns...but it was honestly just less interesting than some free tests you can find online, and with less information.

I guess I'm being a bit harsh, but you wouldn't expect a genre like this being one of the most highly rated games on Steam so obviously I was disappointed. Skip it.

the name Rising comes from your characters rising in the sky as you air combo a lvl1 slime with a great sword wielding Kangaroo. The game is very simple, but the great character designs and background art really carry it. It's around 9 hours, short for an rpg but it's more of a side game for the upcoming Hundred Heroes.

I wouldn't really recommend it unless you're looking forward to Hundred Heroes, but if you're reading this from the future I'd say it's a decent action rpg with too many fetch quests and great art. 3/5 for me, but you're call lmao

incredible black/white 50s samurai movie setting with all the right sounds, lighting, and cliches combined with some simple combat systems. At first I was bummed, but the one-hit one-kill idea fits the samurai vibe quite well. Helped a lot with immersion too

I understand the issues other people stated, but for a 4/5-hour game I didn't mind it much. Just don't go into this expecting a Ghost of Tsushima and you'll be pleasantly surprised. 3.5/5 for this one

could easily be a 1/5, but the extra half star comes from the novelty of seeing where the greatest fighting series of all time came from. This should interest fans enough to at least beat Sagat once.

does not control well at all tho, executing a special is almost as hard as it is to throw a hadoken on your morning jog - but the graphics are quite good for the time and the sound effects are still great.

if you're not a SF fan, skip right to 2, but for the morbidly curious I was pleasantly surprised by the novelty of this game. 1.5/5

doesn't do anything new in the genre but has a lot of polish. Story is non-existent but that isn't too important in a loot fest game like this. Has a lot of replay value, but the lack of co-op (local and online) doesn't inspire me to enter the dungeons again just to roll a new character.

I might be sounding negative, but it really is an addicting game. I just wish the atmosphere and options were a bit more inspired. If you're new to the genre this is a great entry point and you'll probably like it even more than I did.

tldr solid game, but lack of co-op hurts it imo

very cute intro, but gameplay-wise it starts off kinda slow and wasn't too impressed. But once you beat the first boss of a "world" it opens up and really just oozes charm from level to level. Reminded me of Super Mario Galaxy a lot - from the hidden levels inside of levels, to the presentation, to the variety of genres at play. You'll be doing more than just platforming here.

Just give the game around an hour and I think the majority of people will have a grand ol' (hat in) time. It helps that the game is under 10 hours so it can be beaten in a few sessions, makes it pretty replayable too.

This came out during a lull in 3D platformers, that is still being felt today honestly. I think it really scratches that itch, and then some. 4/5 for me.

I'm a sucka for card games...

To avoid any major spoliers, the game basically has 4 parts. 3 of them are great and 1 is a bit mid. I know it has a story reason, but it's almost as if part of the game was the prototype and was shoehorned into the final product.

Even so, I beat the game in one sitting which barely happens anymore so hopefully that convinces you to try it out. The less I say about the game the better, I was very tempted to give this a 5/5

this was one of the earlier "deck roguelite" games and the presentation is great, imitating a sort of candlelit DnD session on a stormy night. The main issue with the game is the dull combat. I appreciate the attempt to genre mash, but I really think it would've been better just throwing that half of the experience out. If you read the premise of this and want to try it out, I'd recommend Inscryption instead.

equivalent of a popcorn movie, non-existent story but amusing characterization and highly replayable campaign. Generally don't find score attack games too engaging but this one had me retry a few levels to up my score, thanks to the satisfying, if somewhat limited, trap system. You'll know whether or not you'll enjoy this by the end of the first level