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homefires shelved .Flow

9 days ago

homefires backloggd .Flow

9 days ago

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9 days ago

9 days ago

homefires shelved Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
really fantastic but also leaves me feeling so drained. I can only really take it in pieces. scraping through a dungeon, trying to decide if it's worth it to use my recovery items or risk death and lose 30 minutes of progress. exhausting and exhilarating in equal measure. so many jrpgs that I've played are very generous with full hp/mp heals at checkpoints that it's really cool to see one fully commit to the resource management aspect of dungeon crawling and just refuse you any freebies. it's new territory for me.

then I'll be making my way through a new area having a good time, but I make some bad decisions or get unlucky and then get sent back to square one. it kills my motivation really hard. I always feel a bit lame for dropping games due to difficulty and I want to get better about it. but also, sometimes I just want to have a good time and see some new stuff, and getting my ass kicked and playing the same section over and over doesn't fulfill that. it's a gamer weakness of mine. I do want to come back to this eventually though, just need to be in the right mood.

9 days ago

homefires completed M&M's Beach Party
shitty wii game party night all-star. they don't make em like they used to. thank god they don't

9 days ago

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