105 reviews liked by hyena142

Oh my god can you two fucking KISS ALREADY OH MY GOD-

then there's no time to waste

it really is that bad but i always thought it was weird how most people never even get to the bad part. like oh you think the rings are annoying? now get ready for some of the most incomprehensible game design ever programmed and put on store shelves.

Ubisoft: Let’s make a game about Avatar (a movie franchise about colonialism and exploitation of the environment) where you have to strip Pandora of it’s natural resources and slaughter every animal you come across so that you can craft a muzzle attachment for your assault rifle that gives you a 2.3% chance on every fifth bullet you fire to poison an enemy.

I cannot believe the plot of an actual God of War story is Kratos being tricked into going to therapy.

The developers could have hidden a new Star Fox game on the Game Over screen, and nobody would ever find out.

Dolores please come back I swear I've changed

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