It was a lot better than I was expecting, this game did not disappoint me at all. Give it a try.

Perhaps one of the weirdest games I've ever played, I really like the music, though.

I love the concept, but it doesn't control very well, I have no idea how I beat this game when I was younger, but at least the music and artstyle was nice.


Definitely a one of a kind rythm game.

Genuinely fun racing game, simple controls, simple mechanics, great casual fun.
It's the time of game that somehow allows both casual and tryhard players to thrive in its system. But I think this game is carried mostly by its city trial mode, which could very well be a completely different game on its own.

I didn't really care much about the story, but the setting and gameplay were absolutely phenomenal. Every action you take is important for the course of the battle, and so are the upgrades. I recommend.

Cool little game abou little guy with cool boots.

Game's good, my opinion comes completely biased with nostalgia, but I've always loved the idea of wisps with different gimmicks and cool music.

I wanted to love this game, but I just don't.
I do appreciate its combat and fun gameplay, but it gets repetitive after 4-5 hours. Still pretty cool.

I believe that past its community, past the toxicity, past the its reputation, there lies a better game based on teamwork and strategic planning. Unfortunately, it's not for me.
I do like the characters, however!

Honestly one of my favorites published by Square Enix.
I really like this game and the story, but I stopped halfway. I'll keep it that way since there's the new sequel.

Awesome game with awesome story, but not for me.
I really like the way this game uses it's mechanics and level design to create a story, but even with the amazing precision platforming this game delivers, it's not the type of game I was looking for.

Even though I only got one of the endings, I think this was definitely the best Castlevania I could've picked as an intro to the series. I love it's soul system (even though it could use less rng), and the selection of weapons it has. I absolutely recommend this game.

Terraria is that type of game that I enjoy playing alone and love playing with friends, at the time, vanilla was already interesting and fun, but everything changed as soon as I got mods which improved my experience tenfold, this game is amazing. 300+ hours and I'm still not tired of it.
Go play it.

Not the biggest fan of the graphics and music of the game, but it's all very unique and interesting. The gameplay gives me a type of fun I haven't seen since I've player Tetris. I recommend.