My childhood attachment to this brand is holding me hostage and making me buy these every year this barely even functions as a video game and I paid for it anyway someone send help please!!!

You basically only do one thing in this game and that's point your light at the bad guys, but DAMN it is such an experience. Remedy is full of creative geniuses I swear. Can't wait for the sequel

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This game might have the strongest vibes of any game ever. How did they make boring concrete office space so interesting to look at. When the old gods of asgard started playing in the ashtray maze that was when I knew this game is mana from heaven. Also probably the only game ever with live action cutscenes that don't look cringe af! The story confuses me and makes me feel like an insane person!! When Alan Wake showed up in my elevator on the magic phone I almost peed myself. Oh and gameplay is fun too

Not all that by any means but I love Uncharted and I love the PS Vita so I am contractually obligated to give it a good rating

Considering this just started as U4 dlc I think it's amazing how it turned out. Chloe and Nadine have a fun rapport, and the action is fun as ever. This is definitely more of a Uncharted 1-3 type of plot rather than the emotional powerhouse of 4 but it works perfectly well for this game.

Naughty Dog looked at the first 3 with their awesome characters and said "okay what if the plot was actually good though?" Nate's longing for adventure and relationship with Elena was so captivating. Basically perfect ending for these characters. I loved the more open Madagascar and Libertalia levels and the action and set pieces are still there.

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It's just more uncharted which I will never complain about. The plane crash and sinking boat are some of the coolest sections in video games and the characters are still lovable and fun. The villains were pretty lackluster in this one compared to completely over-the-top insane Lazarevic, but I enjoyed the story overall.

I love this game! The train sequence is such a fun set piece and all the characters are fun and a great time. Still pretty repetitive and aiming at a slightly long distance without a laser sight or sniper rifle is unnecessarily hard, but a great thrill ride for sure.

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This first game really isn't anything special but I am very attached to it for the characters and dialogue. Also, very few things have shocked me like when the zombie Spaniards show up and the game just becomes a horror for a chapter. That was crazy, yo.

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Gameplay is miles more fun than it was in the first, especially against a big group of human enemies. Trying to figure out how to stealth your way out is like a big giant puzzle and I love it. I really don't like switching characters halfway through and Abby's tools are much less fun than Ellie's.

I really like the beginning of the story, the ending, and all the Joel/Ellie flashbacks in the middle, and Lev and Dina were great new characters in my opinion, but the rest is just such doomer torture porn that just makes me depressed to even play. Yes I know it's supposed to elicit those kinds of emotions but doesn't mean I enjoyed it. I don't think there's any other game that had story beats that made me roll my eyes into the back of my head and immediately followed them up with ones that made me sob. What a weird experience

The story really wowed me the first time I experienced it but with the circlejerk about it being like the greatest artwork ever especially with the new HBO show I'm just tired of hearing about it. Oh well fun game

The harder boss fights are so much fun. I like the story and characters and the different routes depending on how much murder you commit is a really neat idea. Some of this game's brand of humor doesn't really gel with me and none of the overworld stuff outside of combat is really that interesting but I had a good time

Never been so emotionally attached to little pixel portraits before

Really fun combat and really good characters, plot is kinda messy but it's pretty much just an excuse to get from planet to planet and it's not a big deal. Oggdo Bogdo will see me in hell. I really don't like most of the orb puzzles in the zeffo ruins and trying to get 100% with no fast travel on the bigger planets is miserable.

I love this game to death and also hate it and think it's overrated and lame. Cannot elaborate further but now that Tears is out and pretty much did everything better I think I'll just like this one less over time