square enix be like "this game is completely unbearable. drop it"

excellent, excellent game. the game is by no means perfect (the enforcers are by far the weakest link, dungeon crawling) but they are far outweighed by the more emotional moments in the story. you have to earn these special moments but especially with the context given in FC I think the journey is very much worth it. very happy I started my trails journey and am looking forward to more

Riki offers to adopt shulk in a heart-to-heart, and Riki calls Melia his big sister. Future Connected is about Riki's family going on a vacation and I think that's adorable

they fucking drew sonic in the family guy death pose

scratched an itch i've had since i was 10 years old that i had forgotten about. its a simple life sim game but i need to figure out how to send this game back in time because i know i would have loved it back in the day

this game has such an inventive and insane premise, it’s so worth experiencing and it’s a shame it’s not available anywhere
It’s short and sweet and one of the best racers I’ve played please play this game

about 3 hours long so it won't eat up too much of your time. short but cute!
found it a bit hard to read at times bc 'uwu humor' has aged quite a bit, but I enjoyed it otherwise and don't think I didn't notice the ghost trick sound effects

much like Apollo the game is fine! just fine.
it has a really strong first case and I love the new sprite art and 3d models - especially with the new perceive ability highlighting little details within the sprites. you can really see the new love given to ace attorney here
however directly afterwords the cases become rather weak and the stolen panties subplot was uncomfortable for me to play through. it does finish on a high note and Phoenix's character arc is very satisfying but the middle of the game is difficult to ignore. trials and tribulations was always going to be a tough act to follow so I feel a soft reboot was for the best, even if nothing remarkable happens

A game so good you might almost forget about all the backtracking you have to do

the entire concept of this game is SO strange why did falcom say 'what if we made this ps2 game from 2003 into a gatcha with an incredibly stripped down story & adol and new protag aren't silent and bffs for some reason'

much, much stronger than the original butterfly soup in every way. brianna lei's writing has really matured; where the original i felt suffered from severe tonal whiplash and attempting to tackle serious subject matter without a payoff i felt this game was extremely charming, nostalgic, and almost painfully true to life. Diya's experience with her mother in particular was hauntingly familiar to me but the game still managed to be hopeful about the ability of people to change or ability to love unconditionally. there's so much more i could say but i will simply put it as: looking forward to more, bravo

could have been so much more but as the free updates get rolled out i realize how they're all the same thing in a new coat of paint.
the game also tries really hard to be both the most convenient and inconvenient game in the series-- many qol changes like inventory expansion and crafting but you often get the same recipes over and over with no ability to decline them, etc.
I could go on, but I will end it at that i'm glad this game came out when it did. I needed the escape it provided back in the beginning of the pandemic, but the longer I stay away the more I don't see myself returning unfortunately.

Fantastic presentation and the story really intrigues me, but the lack of a lot of quality of life features + the shaky translation brings this game down.... maybe later down the line i will come back to this game because i really do like what i've seen but i think reverse: 1999 needs to find its footing first

my dad programmed MS-DOS games back in the 90s. Once I tried explaining the premise of Ace Attorney to him and he said “they will just make a game out of anything” and

Enjoyed the gameplay up until the resurrection of humanity, but based on the cutscene itself where this happens this should be totally expected. just like in real life humans are the problem