nostalgia bias, still very good

Good gameplay, good characters, good bullshit, good game

Game is the definition of mediocre but you get a mega lucario for free so it gets some points

I really tried to give this game a fair try, but I couldn't do it. I still remember exactly why I stopped playing it. I was laying on the floor while a 5 minute long cutscene was playing, waiting for gameplay to start again, and I realized that the gameplay I was waiting for was not worth my time. The gameplay is uninteresting, the cutscenes are long and boring, the characters aren't engaging, the voice acting is grating (yes I know why), and sometimes you get sniped from across the map by an enemy that is 60 levels higher than you. After 10 hours of play, I put the game down and never looked back. The only thing that I really did like about the game is the world design, but that wasn't enough to keep me around. Least favorite game I have ever played.

only modern pokemon game that is good

undoubtedly my least favorite game

this is the best pokemon game ur on crack if you think otherwise