How can something this well made and with so much potential and looks fucking amazing be so fucking boring at times?
The game is great when you're fighting them but thats it.
Project Zero Dawn is cool to I guess.
How could they fuck this up this game has everything it needs to be solid as fuck but It falls flat on so many surfaces.
forgetable charactes
Weird fucking world design, you have the amazing fucking map filled with cool shit to explore but you also fill it with the most pointless side shit possible.
this is a brain boiler, I'm never playing it again.

I'm reviewing this from memory because its dead and buried nowadays, but if mobile games went the route that this did the industry as a whole would be a lot better nowadays.
Incredibly good and surprisingly scary for a ios game this shit was the dead space 3 that we never got. trully hoping that some day EA realizes that they have prime material for a 30$ delight just sitting on their lap ready to be ported to modern hardware.

fun game, played it for free on plus, its no stanley parable and its shorter than this review but it was a good time.

I might like this more than the first game.
The story doesnt hit as hard as Spider-man (2018) but there is less side conten which makes me feel like my time with the game was much more respected.
The way Miles swings across buildings feels a lot more fun than Peter, thats in part because of the haptic feedback of the dualsense controller but mainly because of the god tier animation work from insomniac.
not gonna chase a Plat here, at least not for now, dont think a NG+ playtrough is justified immediatelly after beating it, but maybe some day.
Also, shout out for the different costumes, that shit is fire.

I like how everyone says "its better than diablo 3 at launch" because if you compares this to current state diablo 3 this is so much worse than that.
its not a game.
its a boring souless product from what is today one of the worst companies ever. Blizzard is but a shadow of what it once was and it shows.
this game consistently makes me sleep, the story was decent while it lasted but the late game content is abhorrently boring and seasonal content does nothing to fix that.
maybe this game will have the same redemption arc as diablo 3, but I wont be there to see it.

Goddamn perfect.
My personal game of the year and overal one of my favorites ever, Alan Wake II has the perfect Lynchian mix of goofyness, amazing writing and chills that will make your bone marrow dry.
everything in this game is absolutelly perfect and I cant wait to play it again

Coming from "Untold Stories" I didn't know what to expect from Observation, No Code was able to masterfully craft a perfect atmosphere to what was one of the most unique experiences I had with gaming, but that game was a lot more "static" than Observation, most of the gameplay was akin to an adventure game, clicking on stuff and typing on terminals.

Observation, has you controlling SAM, an A.I. controlling a space station that is misteriously teleported to the orbit of Saturn. While I found the story to be intrguing, i dont know if it pays off that well, the ending feels a bit non-sensical, but the journey is what matters, right?

Then in that case, the journey is a mix of more of that high quality atmosphere that we saw in Untold Stories, an intriguing mistery, high quality voice acting and unexpected ammounts of jank.
More than just a handfull of times character models glitched, clipped through walls, had their animation not match their location, teleport around a room and have overall unatural movements. For the most part they work fine but it happened enough times and agregiously enough that it took me out of the experience.
The gameplay, feels a lot more like busywork this time around too, instructions are not always clear, objectives are sometimes incoherent and feel a lot more like the game is just keeping you busy for the sake of it in order to extend gameplay time.

Don't get me wrong, I really like Observation, I love the atmosphere, I like the characters and impecable line delivery, I like the story beats that feel a lot like 2001: A Space Odyssey, and I mean A LOT.
but the GAME part of this game isnt as good as it could be, as Untold Stories was, so I find myself wanting to give this game a higher score but I can't because even if the positives outweight the negatives, there too much wrong for me to ignore it.

Observation is not a game for everyone, i think most people will be bored before its over or won't be interested enough to see it through.
But if you like Sci-fi or liked Stories Untold like me, definitivelly go for this, I bet it'll be worth your time.

I'll start by saying that I am a HUGE, Silent Hill fan, this is one of my favorite franchises and while a good part of the comunity is a bit negative on the western-developed games, I believe that while definitivelly flawed, these horror games are actually great and teeming with potential but the franchise name brings a level of expectation that these games cannot possibly reach (Homecoming less so but the point still stands).
Silent Hill: Shatered memories is a remake/reimagining of the first game in the franchise. While the original title involved a conspiracy of sorts and a satanic cult trying to turn the world into a paradise and brig their god to our reality, Shattered Memories takes a more emotional, psychological aproach.
The moment to moment gameplay is divided into two sections, one section is a first person consult with a shrink, where the game asks you questions and propose logical arguments for you to think about, and the other sections is the actual "game" where you play as a confused Harry Mason, looking for his lost daughter after a car crash.
This is the only game in the franchise that ditches the combat in order to focus in exploration and dialogue, telling the story through the world you find yourself in and "mementos" that you find during your journey.
There are, however, moments where monsters chase you and you have to escape them, these sections can be a bit boring since there is no real penalty for failing and the monsters are not nearly as scary or creative as in previous (or following) games in the franchise.
The game balances that with what is arguably the best voice acting and character writing in the franchise, that accompanied by the wintery visuals and music by the amazing Akira Yamaoka makes for a fantastic atmosphere that envolves you and imerses you in the experience.

When it's all said and done, Silent Hill: Shatered Memories provides an engaging story, loveable characters, a fantastic soundtrack, an absolutelly perfect atmosphere, and enough mistery to keep you really engaged in the experience, even if at the end of the day its not a very scary horror game.

This isn't a ground breaking game, neither its a generation defining title.
However this game is in fact, a lot of fun. Having played this when I was young and coming back to it all these years later, I'm surprised how well it stands up. Powers mostly fun, admitedly a bit underwhelming at times, physics are fun, all the guns are awesome and useful and despite most of enemies being fodder, their quantity and agressiveness will keep you on your toes.
the story is also a bit forgetable but it works well enough as an excuse to keep the game going.
I think its strongest point however are the vibes, the soundtrack, both original and licensed music are well used and help a lot with the immersion.
Overall fun experience that was definitivelly worth my time.