12 Reviews liked by jackjoestar

i wish you'd have a chance to go back and complete old tasks and such but i understand why that wouldn't make sense 💔 still a very very good game

i can't because the bakers will be at. the fridge



as someone who usually dislikes roguelikes i was very surprised by how much I enjoyed this. a cool art style, great soundtrack, and lots of fun characters. (hypnos sweep)

fun platformer with silly dialogue and animations

ASMR Wifu wakes you up on Expert took me 3 days to FC

1v7nd a group and won and made a competetive player visibly mad by playing a fat crocodile.

My friend has been game ending my dogs in 3 different servers. Also ehhh kinda boring now.

how do you stop playing this game

Bloodborne for me has always been a game that brings me peace in the madness. My favorite game of all time and a huge part in my growth as a person. ¨In case you fail to realise, the things you hunt -- they're not beasts, they're people.¨