I've never been a huge fan of beat em' ups, but this is something that might change that, the combat is surprisingly fluid and fun, the story is simple yet interesting, the soundtrack is arguably the magnum opus of Tee Lopes and of course, the game is GORGEOUS. Some of the best sprite art I've ever seen, both the characters and levels. Overall this game is amazing, 5/5

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Here it is, Sonic's big break into 3D and the poster child for the Sega Dreamcast. It's everything that made the Genesis games fun, but in 3D! The six different playable characters vary from amazing to mediocre, but they all have at least one thing that makes them somewhat fun. And then there's the final boss as Super Sonic against Perfect Chaos, which is great. Open Your Heart is a fantastic song for the boss fight, with extremely fitting lyrics with a great delivery by Crush 40's Johnny Gioeli. Speaking about Open Your Heart, the soundtrack is great, every character's main theme song is fitting to their personalities, which just makes them so much better. And finally, the models look really good for 1998, especially Tails, Sonic and Amy. Their fur textures look great. My criticisms with the game are minor, just that sometimes the camera is wonky and some clipping issues, otherwise this is a great game that is definitely worth playing. 4.5/5

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I so far have only played through Sonic's campaign, but that's half the game so why not review it? This game is the first to introduce the boost gameplay which would later be used in 2008's Sonic Unleashed, and in this game
the boosting is actually pretty good! The boost feels good to use and keeping your boost gauge up is easy and is implemented into the gameplay well. Another great part of this game is the music, which does the thing Launch Base from Sonic 3 did, that is sampling vocal pieces, like in Back 2 Back and A New Day, the games main theme song, Aaalthough, that's kinda where the positives end, the game is developed by Dimps, which are great at implementing a ton of instadeath hazards, this is very clearly seen in the later stages, and especially in Altitude Limit, where there is so much instadeath its ridiculous. And finally, my biggest problem is the final boss, it's almost too hard, there are a ton of hard to avoid attacks that will most likely catch you off guard. I was able to beat it through abusing savestates, but it certainly wasn't fun. Overall a pretty interesting and sometimes fun game, 3/5, so far

It's Subway Surfers with Sonic, what more could you want?

This game is the "sequel" to 2015's Sonic Runners, and man, this is the biggest downgrade I've seen between two games, The OG Runners was an interesting endless runner which received regular events and updates which added a bunch of content, but this game? Enjoy 9 characters and 4 worlds with zero new content for 5 years, lol. Sure, it has the gameplay of the original, but with little to no content the game gets stale fast, and it just turns into a boring lifeless sequel. 0.5/5

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I have a massive love/hate relationship with this game. On one hand, I love the horde shooter elements, the replayability with the skill system and weapons, the characters and how they interact with eachother, The interesting level ideas and of course, the at times completely bonkers story with ancient artifacts and body swapping. However there are a few problems. First off the game is horribly unoptimized, it really hurts how badly it can run sometimes. Secondly, this game has the worst case of power creep I've seen, there are just some perk decks that are better than others by a large margin. And lastly, content is not spread equally between platforms. While the PC port has been doing well, the console ports have been lacking content for almost 3 years, meaning they are extremely inferior to the master race PC version. But even with all these faults, I still think Payday 2 is a game worth playing, 3.5/5

This game is bonkers, man. 5/5

This game is... interesting. An open world Ben 10 game? Nice! Too bad everything else about it is mediocre or bad. The game very clearly markets itself to young kids, which leads to an almost overly cartoonish artstyle and bad dialogue, the game could be considered a hack and slash, however the combat is extremely simple, with only a few combos available. Another negative is that there are only 6 aliens available, really? They really couldn't fit in 4 more aliens? Dissapointing. This game overall leaves alot to be desired. 0.5/5

The one good tower defense game. 5/5

This game feels like it did everything Garden Warfare 2 did but so much worse, everything feels so dumbed down, and the only thing it did better than GW2 was the graphical improvements, other than that, 2.5/5

Would you look at that, Goat Simulator with an actual story.... oh, and a deer. The game feels alot worse in quality, and it honestly has alot less replay value than other games. Although there are some big positives, like the great final boss, which brings back an element in the game that was thought to be pointless, and finally the completion bonus is pretty cool. 3/5

Oh. My. God. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE! This game was somehow able to turn Dooms speedy FPS gameplay into an even speedier movement shooter, I love it! The music is mostly reused from DOOM (2016), but even then it's still great music! This games multiplayer is alot more interesting than other games, instead of regular marines fighting, it's instead the Slayer against different special demons, which I haven't played much, but is still a fun time! Overall this game is something everyone should play, 5/5

Welp, It's the battle royale game. Despite the massive amount of hate this game gets, it will always have a special place in my heart, a few of my fondest memories are on this game, although the current state of the game is alot worse than a few years ago, but overall it's a game that could be worth checking out, 2.5/5

Doom Eternal, but so, so much worse. 1/5

A hack n' slash that is definitely worth playing, even if it has a few downgrades from the original, 5/5