460 Reviews liked by joelover

This game played like ass on my computer. Didn’t like the game at all. Thanks you Gearbox.

Quake III campaign more like no campaign.

This game is amazing. The massive battles are immersive. I really feel like I’m taking over a country. The generation system is interesting too. I saw so much story and character content yet I missed like 7/8 of it. I got a C Rank in this game and sadly didn’t see the A rank ending (though I could just watch it on YouTube but thats not fun). Maybe one day I’ll play again and aim for A Rank. I don’t care if it takes 100 or 200 hours to do.

I am very bad at real time strategy games.

Edit: So a guy on a Discord Server told me to play the DOS version. It was good.

love this, cant wait for cave story sex rpg 2008

This game made me quite hungry.

Seems like a good game but my computer can’t run it at more than 15 FPS.

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Vivi having 6 children is the funniest shit ever.

Never thought a porn game would be hard.

What a way to cap off the year. I thought I would hate this game but I actually quite enjoyed it.