The best turn-based battle system, with your best friends the Phantom Thieves.

A fun 10 hour platinum. Classic Ratchet and Clank chaos with impressive use of the PS5 technology.

Sound and visuals are a perfect 5/5. Easily the most gorgeous retro JRPG out there.

Story isn't anything super innovative, but the predictable JRPG fare contributed to the overall coziness of the game so it wasn't a downside for me.

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I liked the characters better than the first, particularly Hajime and Nagito.

I also enjoyed the direction the ending went in, and intend to leave things there rather than watching the anime. I prefer the ambiguous, open-ended conclusion of this game left as it is.

A fantastic visual novel. The story was perfectly paced, the mystery and light horror were both well done, and the true ending was satisfyingly meta.

Such an incredibly fun and genuinely intriguing world to spend your time in.

The log/casefile system is implemented really well. Gameplay has the right touch of jankiness to it that endears you even more to the island.

Have only completed the Blue Lions route so far. Excellent story, excellent social sim and support scenes, excellent SRPG combat.

This was my first real experience with this genre of game, with the branching narratives, and I absolutely loved it.

Date very quickly grew on me, and I thought the other characters and the mystery itself were consistently great despite a couple not-so-good bits.

Credits song and dance is a banger.

Firaxis has designed another fantastic battle system, as is to be expected.

The storyline wasn't bad, and the social sim elements were suprisingly good, though both felt like they dragged too long. The game could have done from being a good 20 hours shorter.