Jet Set Radio fans rejoice, for there's a new king on the throne.

This game is AMAZING! It is truly a love letter to JSR, while adding new and interesting ideas to make the game it's own thing. The movement is fluid and fun, and it's easy to feel cool. New Amsterdam is a funky city, with all sorts of crazy designs for you to skate, roller blade, or BMX on.

The character design is immaculate, each character brings their own look and personality into it, and you'll quickly attach yourself to at least one.

The storytelling actually caught me by surprise! It has a very interesting story with twists that keep you wondering what will happen next. The dialogue is pretty funny as well.

I do however have some issues with the game which is why my review isn't 5/5. The police are very frustrating, it's very easy to attract heat and when they're chasing you it's like they're up your ass until you find a bathroom to change clothes. Which brings me to my other gripe, changing characters and clothes while cool in concept, is annoying. The version of the game I played on did not have markers showing bathrooms, which I feel like would make the system a lot better. I don't know if they changed this in a recent update but, playing it day one this was how it was.

And that's it, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is one of the best indie games I've played since Neon White, and I will be 100%ing this. I strongly recommend picking this game up.

Deadly Premonition is a video game that is undoubtedly worthy of the label 'cult classic.' From its bizarre animations to its terrible sound design and voice directing, this game is full of jank and cons that would typically make a game unplayable. However, despite its numerous shortcomings, there is something special about Deadly Premonition that kept me coming back for more.

One of the most compelling aspects of Deadly Premonition I found is the main character, York. He has a unique personality with strange quirks that make him fun and charming. I couldn't help but be drawn to his odd quirks and mannerisms. It's a testament to the game's storytelling that it can create a character that I couldn't help but root for, even in a game with such terrible design flaws.

But it's not just York that makes Deadly Premonition an enjoyable experience. The game's setting, a small town in the Pacific Northeast, is also fascinating. The game's developers have created an eerie atmosphere that feels both familiar and unsettling. The game's story is also engaging, with plenty of twists and turns that kept me interested.

Despite all of these positives, Deadly Premonition is not a good game by any traditional measure. The sound design is terrible, the voice directing is cringe-worthy, and the animations are awkward and stilted. The uncanny nature of the game adds to the experience, but it can also be frustrating at times. Such as the combat the game introduces right out of the gate. Combat features both melee and ranged, with melee weapons having durability. Like the rest of the game, it's very jank and frustrating. Towards the end of the game I felt the need to skip pass all the enemies during the combat sections.

The other half of the game has you exploring the town. You can fish, play darts, do side quests (I didn't do the side quests), all things that I think if the devs fleshed out more, could've been good enough for gameplay without needing the combat parts.

Deadly Premonition is a cult classic for a reason. It's a game that is so bad it's kinda good, with it's fascinating story and charming main character that kept me invested. If you're looking for a game with good gameplay and design, then this isn't the game for you. But if you're looking for a unique and unforgettable experience, then Deadly Premonition is definitely worth checking out.

The Dead Space Remake is an impressive piece of work that is sure to delight both old and new fans of the series. As someone who played the original game, I was excited to revisit the USG Ishimura and see how the remake would update this classic title.

I was relived to see how faithful the game remained to the original while still adding new and refreshing ideas that were executed very well. Nowadays when developers remake games, they either make it a one-to-one recreation of the original, not adding new ideas or changing previous problems. Or they butcher it by changing too much, removing what made the game a classic. The core gameplay loop is still enjoyable, and going back to previous explored areas to find upgrades is satisfying. The environment in the Dead Space Remake is very well done, and the atmosphere is very creepy. The developers have done an excellent job of creating a dark, foreboding world that is filled with suspense. The updated graphics and sound design enhance the experience and make the game feel more immersive than before.

And the combat is very smooth, while still giving it that weighty feel with the dismember and stomp mechanics. I was impressed with how well the game balanced horror and action, making every encounter tense as all hell breaks loose. Armed with only a plasma cutter, lights flickering, and monsters screaming towards you, makes for such a thrill.

Overall, the Dead Space Remake is an excellent update to a classic horror game that remains faithful to the original while adding new ideas. The gameplay loop is enjoyable, the environment is well done, and the combat is smooth and weighty. I cannot recommend this game enough.

Also, plasma cutter only you pussy.

Compared to the previous entries, I gotta say that I thought it was mediocre. My rating would probably be lower if I didn't play co-op, as that was the only redeeming part of this experience. The story was okay, it's very predictable. The gameplay was clunky which is especially bad since Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6 are action games.

Resident Evil is a fantastic example of a faithful remaster that updates the graphics while still maintaining the charm of the original game. Being my first Resident Evil, it was all brand new to me, but I found a lot of things about this game to be satisfying and fun.

One of my favorite aspects of this game was the gameplay loop. New areas of the mansion contain items that allow you to unlock old areas that were previously inaccessible. This creates a sense of exploration and discovery as you move through the mansion and discover new secrets. The puzzles are challenging and satisfying to solve, and the game's pacing is excellent, with moments of intense action followed by slower, more methodical exploration.

The tank controls can be a bit hard to get used to. But once mastered, I found it to be a satisfying and engaging gameplay experience. The controls had me thinking strategically about my movements, which adds to the tension and suspense of the game.

Resident Evil maintains the charm of the original while allowing new players easier access to the experience. The gameplay loop of exploring new areas to find items to unlock old areas is rewarding, and the tank controls, while initially challenging, ultimately add to the game's tension and thrill. This game is a must play for fans of the survival horror genre.

The story for this game is interesting, all three main characters have their own charm to bring to the table. While at the time I didn't really play for the story, opting to instead grind it out so I can unlock everything for free roam, I should revist this game because seeing clips online made me realize how Rockstar can make good shit.

Personally my favorite out of the series: No More Heroes is the first installment to Suda51's new franchise. Travis Touchdown is a funny and interesting character. The story is very all over the place but suda51 has a way of making it cool in a strange way. Each boss has their own personality and dialogue that changes Travis throughout the game. The gameplay is super fun, being a somewhat clunky hack n' slash that feels really enjoyable with the Switch motion controls. The music is bangin' and the graphics have their own charm

No More Heroes 2 in my opinion is the weakest entry of the No More Heroes series. It completely removes the free roaming from the first game, opting for menus to everything. While I don't think it's the worst thing, as I thought everything being spread out in NMH1 was tedious. I feel like they could've found a middle ground. They also removed the money grind from the first game, allowing you to fight the bosses back to back. Again I'm mixed about this, while in the first game sometimes the money grind in-between boss fights would get tedious, I feel that completely removing the grind was not the way to go. The combat itself is still fun, though the enemy design is very boring. At least in the first game the enemies looked different depending on the stage you were on. In this one they look the same no matter where you are. The humor in this game feels like they were forcing the humor of the previous game. The soundtrack however is still godly.

My technical first play-through was on my friend's PS3 back in 2012, it took me until June of next year to get my own copy to play and beat. I've put hundreds of hours into Terraria on three different platforms; PS3, PS4, and PC.

Terraria is a sandbox RPG with hundreds of weapons to grind for and use. It's system of grind, fight, and grind some more makes for excellent gameplay for people who are into those. This game is just perfect in my eyes. Excellent replay-ability by trying different classes or combining them. Challenging bosses that make you work for the kill. Awesome soundtrack and amazing pixel art.

I think after the success of the first game everyone thought the idea of playing as a Big Daddy would be the coolest shit ever, and they weren't wrong. With similar gameplay from the previous installment, everything feels just as good. The story is good, it adds more depth to Rapture and has more to it than the last game. There were some points in the game that I felt were a bit "meh" but other than that I enjoyed this just as much as the last one.

My favorite out of the trilogy. BioShock 1's story starts off incredibly strong, and ends even stronger. The gameplay is your average shooter with the addition of having powers that can make for new & interesting ways to kill enemies. Plus I personally like the style of protagonist in this game

The story so far is pretty simple but still interesting enough to pay attention. The core gameplay is actually challenging in this installment. I played NMH 1&2 on the hardest difficulty and died probably twice between both games. The world exploration is alright, there's stuff to do but it feels like there's a lot of empty space. The game looks unfinished though, a lot of the textures look rough. The motorcycle controls are a downgrade from the first game in my opinion. And the music is really good

Felt more like a DLC for Borderlands 2. Didn't really care for it all that much. I will say though the playable characters in this one are probably the most interesting to me out of all the Borderlands games, they're all characters that we've met in previous games with unique designs and playstyles.

Very good horror game for anyone looking for more survival horror games. Plus it's FREE

I really like how Isaac in this game doesn't really talk, I kind of wish this series kept the theme of silent protag who's going through some shit, but I understand that would cause a lot of people to get bored with Isaac and the story so I get why they developed him more. The gameplay is a lot of fun I love how satisfying the shooting and stomping feels