If I was in this situation and was also a dog, I would simply attack a child and leave

It genuinely might be better than the movie

Spent days trying to beat this one level and when I finally did my character clipped through the floor and fell into the void very fun

I remember having to fight spiders in this and crying for hours cos they were so scary

Complete wank but in a kinda nice way

Holy shit this was like crack

Ireland is genuinely just like this

Imagine if this game was automatically uploaded to phones like how that u2 album was

We should be thankful

The felix felicis scene will always have a special place in my heart

Think I got the worst ending possible but the game didn't do much to make me want better

I never saved and the game crashed like every half hour

My dad made the most disappointed face I've ever seen him make when I asked him to get me this

The eye toy is the closest we'll ever get to flying cars