one of the most fun experiences with friends, i just wish there was more to do

fun doing initial routes but cant replay. pretty fun. i love all these characters ngl

tank blow up. fun for a bit. wish it didnt die/wasnt full of racist sweats lol

this game gets bonus points for having the best character to ever exist and his name begins with a g and ends with undham. original is still better but this game gave me komaeda and tanaka when i was like 11 and unfortunately that was formative to my core being.

steep learning curve, but one of the most fleshed out games to ever exist. you can tell the developers have nothing but love for their baby. wish it was easier to dive into as a newcomer but its filled to the brim with things to do and learn.

I love ninja kiwi and I love the bloons franchise but god this was such a letdown. the exp grind to unlocking tower upgrades to use in pvp duels is the worst slog ever. ninjakiwi has made minor attempts to fix the issue in the past but this system is a nightmare to deal with as a new player which only makes the already high barrier to entry worse. the love put into this game's appearance and personality is apparent, which makes the glaring issues in this game feel so much worse. the game is rarely updated with anything meaningful, locked behind the speed of which btd 6 gets a new tower or upgrade, which is close to never. all you have to look forward to while playing are patch notes and balance changes which make the game feel stale. luckily, many of the meta issues that arose during its launch month have since been fixed and the variation in loadouts makes the ranked grind much more fun than it was initially, but i can't in good faith recommend it and it's dwindling player base seems to agree with me.

booba except im bad at this game

game smacks. runs can be kinda same-y which is underwhelming for a rogue-like but the art, music, and uniqueness of each character makes up for it. nice to come back to every once in a while.

this game makes me want to bash my head into a wall from the writing of its story alone. i could look past the poor release solely because of the hype i had from a fnaf installment with arguably one of the best environments. this game is gorgeous, ray tracing or not. unfortunately, a bright and stylish mall isn't the most terrifying location which really hurts the "horror" aspect of this game. the characters are okay, albeit a little underdeveloped (but also theyre literally animatronics so i guess its fine?), but the travesty lies in vanessa. without going into too many spoilers, the way they utilized this character (or didnt...) is a shame considering her exposition in the vr game. the endings all suck, by the way. fuck this game's writing ong im getting upset thinking about it too hard

this game is boring to me, sorry. ok with friends, but not really because of the game itself.

double dates are a fun concept except the baggage is so fucking annoying to deal with and not in a fun puzzle type of way

i think my friends and i have started and restarted group playthroughs of this game like 5 times and i've never seen more than maybe the beginning of the game. still fun everytime even if we have to go through that ice area over and over. i'll give it a proper go one day.

its cute but kinda boring but also i still find myself coming back to it for some reason