the game where MEN settle their arguments

pretty similar to super mario galaxy 1 but i consider them equals. this one has better gameplay smg1 has a better atmosphere. pretty ironic considering it is in space haha

a metroidvania where i actually know what i am supposed to do. will finish someday

first roguelite i have actually finished

has some misses but a few fun ones, like the alien game when anyone wants to actually play it

this is a certified hood classic

fanbase is awful but pretty fun rhythm game

every time i'm about to make an impulse purchase i think "well it can't be worse than that time i bought kirby: star allies"

one of, if not the best dlc nintendo has made. by far my favorite campaign in any shooter game

pretty good game but forever plagued by EA

i have trauma from this game

it is honestly less annoying than fall guys. and i can actually get a win

an absolute hood classic

very fun and also frustrating boss rush game but also the kind of frustrating that makes you want to keep playing