It is just like halo just need to pay to have certain things and is a decent game.

This game is good and all but for beginners if you don't play for hours it is hard to learn how to play but overall not a bad game at all.

idc one of the best games and this is the best game except for mario.

idc what people say this is way better than deluxe and if i had my wii set up rn i would play it every day.

This was like splitgate i played it for a week and then i was over this is just not a good game and wasn't really at the beginning of it.

I started this game i think when it came out and i don't know why but i still play it and for some reason enjoy it and i don't think someone could tell me otherwise.

I play this game like in 2010 and it was a pretty fun game but like super smash bros i just got bored.

This was also one of the first games i played but it just got old over time and i just gave up on it but in the beginning it was good but know i just want to really play it.

This game was good for like the first couple weeks and months and then just got bad like i enjoyed playing with friends but that was the only time i really played or enjoyed it otherwise it was just not a good game.

This is like i think the first game i have ever played it was like the best game ever for the like 5 years but I love how they made it but in recent years they have been like fornite from how they give their updates out. But it is overall good game and i will always come back to it every so often. overall i would give it a 4.5/5 only because I don't play it that much anymore.

I don't get the reason for epic games to keep giving us new seasons every 4 months like it is trying to feed someone every other minute it just get boring. But idk why but every once in a while i'll play the game and sometimes enjoy it. overall I would give it a 4/5 because it makes me keep on coming back after giving up on it.

honestly pretty good vr i think just makes it better but it is alright I mean I wasn't expecting a really high level graphics game and just is overall pretty fun with friends.

This is the way worse version of warzone like the shield thing when you got more shield from people was annoying. But now i don't even touch that game.

Sadly they ended this game and made a worse version like this was the best game during quarantine and after they ended it i lost all my money that i put into warzone. But overall it is most defiantly a 5/5.

I don't know what to think about it the cars are cool the story is alright but the new need for speed i defiantly like more the this one unbound is definitely better. But overall this game is alright.