this was my 2023 goty
fuck microsoft

did a review on ps2 final mix but idc
this is still my fav game of all time
combat feels kinda button mashy at first but the more spells and shit you unlock the more you realize how deep it can actually get if you experiment with it
story while considered by many "Too convoluted" is simple if you just watch the cutscenes without skipping

everytime my life starts being shit I know I can just go back to this game and by the time im done with it everything is good again and it probably sounds funny considering we are talking about a game where mickey mouse sees goofy die and then says "They will pay for this" but again idc and tbh disney characters acting sometimes like shonen anime protagonists just adds to the charm of this game
its kinda what makes it so special to me

Replayed it finally while also finally beating this games super bosses and honestly I liked it more than before. It takes a different aproach to its combat than most action games or even later KH games. Its cute its fun the story is easy to follow in this one. Everytime I go back to this game I feel right at home.

took me a while to understand what the fuck happened at the end

combat really aged in the way that its basically mindless button mashing with pauses to cast a powerful spell but the story and characters REALLY save this game
if you played ff7 you know what will happen and yet I still cried like a baby

they couldve done more ngl but honestly this is just what I wanted from a P3 remake and i cant wait for the leaked the anwser DLC so I can finally say this is the definitive edition of P3

this is the perfect AA game untill the final case

games in it are great but the collection itself sucks ass and there are way better ways to play genesis sonic games

didnt age even a bit and thats kinda impressive for a PS2 action jrpg lmfao
prob my fav game of all time

I actually for some reason cant get back into this game finished it as sonic and after seeing what BS trip story is I just cant
trip story is the most generic "Hard mode" with spikes and shit spammed everywhere

the main problem here is that this is the first turn based game made by RGG and while its good the combat isnt perfect
its still refreshing to play as a completely different character in completely different city after 7 kiryu games

has some problems especially with how many things they left out without any explanation at the end but overall its pretty good and the final boss is the perfect ending for kiryu

you will never guess how it ends