the wormhole minigame is the coolest thing ive seen in a pokemon game in a long time

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shishido is a little bitch

fun but holy shit it really runs so bad 😭

feels like a downgrade in almost every way besides the combat compared to ME2

overall a solid scifi wrpg story with highs and lows

despite its flaws still a really great game. though a little extra polish would go a long long way

monster hunter will never be this good again

gameplay wise is nothing but improvements to its predecessor, but the story lacks the scale of the first game. still, its another great experience by RGG

this game is not as confusing to follow as i was lead to believe. not every character is as fun to play as kiryu, akiyama, or haruka, but their arcs make up for it

bring back the taxi minigame btw

dragon engine gameplay is great but holy shit i did not care about the jingweon mafia stuff, would have been more interesting if they focused more on kiryu vs ryuji which is kind of what the game baits you into thinking is going to be more important than it actually is

some of the twists are a bit asinine but ultimately that's what makes yakuza what it is and i loved every moment of this game