short but sweet; combat is simple and engaging, bosses are pretty well designed, as is the world and the dungeons.

music is phenomenal, and the art direction is charming

my only real gripe is that theres no map, so exploration can be a slight bit tedious

just riding my horse around and thinking about shit

so painfully mid

i think a lot of the problems with the game had been fixed by the time i got my hands on it but its still pretty boring

soundtrack sucks
characters suck
missions are fine
character creator is decent but it feels like theres way less clothes to choose from than in the past games
writing isnt funny but then again i dont think saints row has ever made me laugh

idk at least it was free

glad i finally got around to playing this, a little jank but pretty fun 👏

this almost has better gameplay than the remake of 1... but you took away manual transmission driving from me...

the wormhole minigame is the coolest thing ive seen in a pokemon game in a long time

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shishido is a little bitch

fun but holy shit it really runs so bad 😭

a little rough around the edges but still good

fuck this game is so good, actually a lot better than i remembered

feels like a downgrade in almost every way besides the combat compared to ME2

overall a solid scifi wrpg story with highs and lows

wonderfully curated experience from start to finish, could use a little more polish here and there but im not taking any points away cause i liked everything that much and it gets hotfixes like every other week anyway

need another mercury steam metroid ASAP!!!!!!!