this is the type of game you show to your dad so he can be like "wow it looks real"

Shit, fuck Gears of War, more like Tears of War, man that shit has that lil’ bitch cryin’ all the time, you see that commercial? That little bitch-ass commercial with that song

no one man should have all that power

this game has no business being as good as it is. great soundtrack, good story, fun combat and chase sequences

wherever wei shen is right now i hope he's having a good day

the read dead games have always resonated with me on a far greater level than gta ever has. equal parts setting, writing and gameplay, there's a reason these games are so highly regarded

its like they didnt pay attention to what people liked about the other games

there are genres of music i would have probably never discovered if i didnt first play thps, underground especially

at this point the series starts to fall off the rails, but theres some enjoyable stuff here

dialed back some of the things i didnt like about thps2 but it was still kinda muddy in some spots. thankfully that didn't include the soundtrack though, theres some killer songs on here and some bands i still like to this day

a flawless transition to 3d, no matter which version you play

not as good as prime but still solid all the way around (keys aside)

nintendo really loves dark worlds huh

this is obviously a stellar game, but it lacks some of the things i really like about the other 2d metroid games

ive never been a fan of how much dialogue is in this game, or that every boss encounter pretty much ends in the same x parasite fight but the experience is still solid from beginning to end