this game has no business being as good as it is. great soundtrack, good story, fun combat and chase sequences

wherever wei shen is right now i hope he's having a good day

no one man should have all that power

Shit, fuck Gears of War, more like Tears of War, man that shit has that lil’ bitch cryin’ all the time, you see that commercial? That little bitch-ass commercial with that song

this is the type of game you show to your dad so he can be like "wow it looks real"

bro they had tiddies in this one..

multiplayer was sick, campaign sucked

love to enjoy soft propaganda

modern(?) survival horror classic

the pc version comes with the campaigns from the first game so it's basically a 100% upgrade from the first

bro they put king crimson in this

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one of the few wrpgs i liked, glad i played and stopped here

i didnt upgrade my ship the first time and everyone died

i was stuck on taurus demon for a month