Incredible game, full of mystery and secrets. I was totally surprised by this game. It's difficult to explain how great Tunic is without spoiling it so I'd recommend just playing it with as little info about it as possible.
Two minor issues for me were:
- few puzzles were super cryptic (still possible to solve but borderline frustrating)
- on Nintendo Switch the loading times are rather long, especially between areas

Signalis is a very good game, really close to being an excellent game if not for a few minor issues. This game gets so many things right: graphics and sound design build an unsettling atmosphere, environmental storytelling helps to flesh out a strange but convincing world and the depth of the main story is of quality rarely seen in video games.

As for the issues:
- I feel that the game is leaning a bit too much into the narrative sometimes, leaving behind tha actual gameplay. Even though the story is interesting and told very well, combat, fetch quests and puzzles can be quite simple and don't evolve much throughout the game
- There are some problems with hitboxes, where some doors would not open when approached directly and only open when approached at a certain angle; and objects being hard to pick up because their selection outline disappears occasionally
- Controls can feel a bit janky and unresponsive at times

None of these issues are game-breaking, however, and can be easily overlooked in light of how good this game is.

I highly recommend Signalis, especially for its sense of discovery and solid storytelling.

Easily the best Metroid game to date (surpassing Super Metroid by a mile, despite the nostalgia for it), with the highlights being EMMIs and bosses. The game is very well designed, from traversal to combat, secrets and some of the best character controls on switch. I finished the game on Normal and Hard, currently into the Dread mode. Each playthrough was a blast, even though the difference between Normal and Hard is barely noticeable (more damage dealt by enemies). I really hope the series will continue strong and we won't have to wait so long for the next entry.

best mario game ever. main game a bit too easy but secret world levels are top!

Easily the best of Pocky & Rocky games for me. I've played through the whole series and really enjoyed previous entries but Reshrined tops them in every way. Great graphics are backed by a solid gameplay and music is also really nice. One odd thing though is that co-op has to be unlocked. Definitely recommend this one.

Truly great game. Few performance dips and a couple of grindy quests but other than that a real masterpiece. When played with self-imposed limitations it can be pretty challenging too.

Great game, diffucult as all hell but also really rewarding. Tons of collectibles and great replay value. Level design of some of the later stages is really solid and full of surprises. Due to amount of animation frames for each move the characters feel a bit "floaty" at first but it's easy to get used to, and looks great too. Plays really well on Switch, didn't notice any frame drops nor input lag. Highly recommend.

easily my game of the year. Incredible atmosphere, the depth of the world and puzzles + super tight controls make it a must play. I highly recommend going into the game as blindly as possible.

really great game that took me by surprise. didn't expect it to be this good. solid level design requiring a good mix of reflexes and fast thinking + great presentation and a wealth of secrets to discover.

Good Metroid game, I enjoyed its visual style and enemy variety. Running through the levels (especially fully armed) was a blast. Music is not really working all that well for it's stripping the game out of the mysterious vibe that previous entries' managed to create.

I'm also not a fan of such heavily guided exploration and a few of really obscure ways to progress. Bosses are the low point of the game for me, they're very simplistic and repetitive (it feels like they're just gameplay time fillers), although some bosses do have interesting designs.

Easily the best remaster ever made. The game itself is amongst the best in Metroid series and this remaster really takes it to new heights.

Great remaster of an underrated game in the series. N64 version was a blast to play, way better than og hardware :)

I've played both versions, the original and recent 2.0 and they're both great. The quality of ver 2.0 updates is amazing. The game has a really cool rank system too.