5 reviews liked by kokokoko

Outer Wilds is the perfect example of why you should always approach games that are considered "All time classics"/"Masterpieces" with a shit load of skepticism because despite all of the praises I hear about this game I can't for the love of god even bring myself to say anything remotely positive about it

First off, who thought putting a time restriction in an exploration focused game was a good idea? The amount of backtracking you need to do because of the supernova that triggers every 20 minutes coupled with the amount of annoying unforeseeable traps that also lead to your death is absolutely ridiculous, which was also the main motivator behind killing my intrigue to explore somewhat of a cohesive world with neat ideas and puzzles.
Now onto the elephant in the room, the controls are fucking abysmal which makes simply moving around quite annoying and they had the gall to design multiple segments that revolve solely around controlling your spaceship, which I can only describe as janky. Most of the deaths in this game either happen due to poor controls, random traps that you cant see coming & of course the stupid supernova which is basically the game's way of saying "Uh oh you couldn't explore everything within the measly 20 minutes we gave you? Time to send you back to the very beginning of the game with no way to fast travel" And I have a massive bone to pick with incompetent game devs that don't respect the player's time.
The story here is also quite non-existent and the people who insist otherwise are just plain out wrong because gathering wiki articles and putting them together does not make up for a very cohesive narrative that suck you into the experience, it's jarring if anything. I also don't see the appeal of the tracks here either, they don't fit the tone of the game at all but honestly speaking they're simply just lame.

Whoever thinks Outer Wilds is a masterpiece or a timeless classic, stop lying to yourself
This game sucks

From what I heard great game but the controls make me sick unfortunately

Rarely have I bounced off of a video game so hard. I found the time loop to be extremely frustrating when combined with puzzles to solve, and also when combined with me not being great at the action/movement elements of the game.

i am so sorry but I hated every minute i spent with this game. I'm just gonna say its not for me but I literally could not get through it

It turned out exactly as I expected. A boring cookie cutter action game with an overemphasis on "Immersion" to the point it made the actual gameplay feel like an afterthought. It's literally just an interactive movie (more on this later) trying to constantly hammer some idiot story down your throat.

There's absolutely no pros so I'll only list down the cons

1. Story

The writing is downright lazy, the characters are all dull (sometimes super obnoxious) and their development is the most forced thing in the universe. Despite being a narrative-driven title the game doesn't even try to tell something even slightly interesting. Which is funny because I thought at least the plot would carry me through the painfully bad combat segments that feel like of tertiary importance.

2. Combat

From the FOV alone I could tell it was gonna be bad and voilà I was right. But it has parrying and parrying should be fun, right? No, it's not. Parrying is rendered pretty much useless because of the restrictive field of view and the fact that you fight nothing but hordes of mobs that comes at you from directions that you can't even see. So, dodging is all you ever rely on to avoid incoming attacks. The stupid cinematic fov exists to ruin a combat system that is already quite dry. Another aspect of the game that really bothered me is how every single enemy is a literal sponge which makes the combat tedious as hell. For example, even the very basic bitch mobs take up to 15-20 slashes to kill.

3. Bosses

You fight the same boss reskinned 8 times and the last boss is also the very first boss you fight with virtually the same moveset but this time he does more damage. Do I gotta say more?

4. RPG leveling system

This only exists to make an already baby game even easier. You can completely ignore this and feel barely any difference even against late game enemies, and this is coming from someone who beat it on hard and normal on and off

5. Side content/Puzzles

Tried doing them for the first 3-4 hours but soon got sick of them and gave up all together since it's just the same crap recycled over and over again. As for the mandatory puzzles they are all braindead. Like are these made for people with down syndrome or what? I personally wouldn't even classify these as puzzles but the game insists they are soooo

6. Overemphasis on presentation

It becomes tiring when the game constantly shoves pretty looking areas and models on your face telling you to look at them. I kind of stopped caring after a while, pretty presentation alone can't save a dry game that has nothing fun to offer.

7. Literally an interactive cinema

Platforming? Press the interact button. Climbing? Press the interact button and watch the character climb. Like pretty much 80% of the action your character takes goes like this. Press the "E" button to do this and do that. Also the sheer amount of QTE segments in this game almost made me consider dropping it all together halfway through.

I spent around roughly 25 hours playing this game and I consider every single one of those hour wasted time
