THE definitive poke remake of my favorite gen. outside of my own bias, this game is amazing in sticking to the spirit of the original games while adding more depth, replayability, content, etc. the dex nav, the delta episode, the new megas, steamlined content, the huge amount of catachable pokemon, soaring through the sky, etc add so much to the game. This is what BDSP should have been and what all remakes should strive towards. one criticism i have is that being a gen 6 game, it suffers from the new direction gamefreak went into which is extreme casualization. the post game fixes this somewhat with the battle maison. the battle frontiner should have been included and the little model of it you find in the post game is kind of an insult to injury. that being said, this game is amazing and it has revitalized my interests in this series.

best dark souls imo, fixed what made 2 terrible. movement is nice, difficulty isnt that bad. once you master this game, you really feel like you can do anything

very atmospheric game. first half is better than the 2nd

ashtray maze section is absolutely amazing. the world is great, spooky and interesting. very reminiscent of SCP stuff if you're into that, which from what i understand the developers were inspired by it.

what a game. the final chapter, the conclusion of the epic story, was masterfully done. the game can definitely be grindy and the gameloop repetitive, however, its not necessary to grind a ridiculous amount in order to complete the game. the art style and visuals are amazing for 2007 and still hold up to this day. overall a great game, i highly recommend

i've had this game on steam for years and finally got around to finishing it. i've tried to play it in the past and always gave up around the cave area. it's a great game albeit challenging to play cause of how dedicated the mechanics are. the day limit mechanic isn't that much of a big deal, you have enough time to finish what you need to do before you get a game over. lots of different ways you can essentinally break the game and some of the skills/stats are useless and others completely OP which is a sign of its age. the game kind of shoehorns you into using energy weapons towards the latter half as the enemies become very strong/difficult. overall enjoyable game once you get over the aged mechanics/graphics.

out of the trinity, this game definitely has some of the highest highs but also the lowest lows. as part of trying to flesh out a narrative, there were a bunch of honestly not so fun missions that just ruined the pacing. the story, as in all ac games, was not going to be something amazing so imo, it was really unecessary. the game also dragged on way too long, 25+ missions was just too much, especially when a lot of them weren't that fun and kind of a slog to get through. razgriz sqaudron is probably my 2nd favorite behind mobius 1. their theme song was amazing too

one of the best examples of what a DLC should be ever. gameplay is great, with some new additions in enemies, a new plasmid and a new weapon(gravity well is the coolest plasmid in bioshock 2). story is good, better than base 2, but not as good as 1. overall a great experience and if you don't like 2, you should at least try this piece of stand alone content.

combat is massively improved over the first

highly underrated. the new weapons are really cool, the new magics too. perfect length, doesnt drag on too long, not a lot of puzzles so the pacing is great.

part of the trinity whats more to say? great game, a must play if you enjoy the ac series or flight sims in general

honestly not too much of a fan of the open world, wide as ocean deep as a puddle formula, but this game had lots of personality and the gameplay was fun asf. the movement is excellent, the night time atomsphere is undefeated, good game! im even playing the dlc which i usually do not do

game is underrated. i hated this gen for so long until i went back and replayed it. the atmosphere of the kalos reigon, the music and the overall location desgins are all amazing, top tier stuff. going through the reflection cave, the swamp area, the route with the tall grass and haunted hotel were all great experiences. however, this game began the casualization of the series which has hurt it overall, imo. it also has very few original pokemon a mistake compounded by the fact that the fairy type was introduced in this gen. they compensated by the introduction of mega evos which i do like, however, those can't be counted as new pokemon. i enjoyed the story as well with the main villian feeling a bit cartoonish at time but redeems himself at the end with this plot to actually destroy everything. the ending sequence in the base rushing against time to stop the literal apocalpyse felt like a movie, it was great. overall good game but far from the best pokemon has to offer and outdone in the same gen by a remake

fun dark souls clone albeit not as difficult. the lore is very cool and the sphere gridesque system allows for a lot of customization options. some of the platforming sections are really annoying to get through.

a slough to get through. gameplay was okay, everything else was a chore to play. did not like this one