You can't ever "finish" Diablo, can you? Same old grindy addictive pseudo RPG as before, but with nicer graphics and bad usage of the controller (MK doesn'T really translate in this game, it was better implemented in D3).


Fucking speedrun trophy. Anyway, this one was great. Sony made me pay for their darned ps plus extra service because of this game, but it was worth it. The world was a little empty with only those robots, but of course it made sense story-wise. I just need a dog sequel now!

They don't make'em like these anymore :(

Another nice PS plus find. Would like to see these kind of games more ofter but with better writing.

Glad to have tried it on PS plus, because otherwise it wouldn't worth it. It starts out good, but it gets veeery tedious very fast. Axed it after 2-3 days.

Nice to see where it all started. Doesn't look too great though, crappy framerate on the ps3 in sacrifice for some better textures.

I only played the ps4 version before, I started this just to spite the fact that they once again ask a huge price for a remake-ster on ps5. And I couldn't not finish it. Great storytelling. Just awesome.


Cute as fuck. Platinumed it in an afternoon. We need more shorties like this!

Pretty boring. Didn't really need a remaster, because it just highlights the problems of the original. Bored after 2-3 trophies. I may pick it up later, but slim chances.

Great art direction, great sound design, great idea, great story. Loved it.

I wouldn't neccessarily call it a game, more like a multimedia experience or something, but thank god for ps plus for giving us cool indies like this! Very laid back experience.

Wow, a sequel that is not worse than the first game! Not better much neither, at least story-wise, but the visual fidelity is bumped up a few notches. It was a thrilling experience. I have 2 trophies left from the platinum, so might pick it up later.

I specifially bought a Vita very late just to see those games that were given with the PS Plus service. This one is OK-ish, finished the "story" in on afternoon, but I'm not itching to play it again.

Man, I don't really know anymore why we loved these games... it's boring as fuck. Maybe it's because I'm a grownup and I have a car now, but all the driving just... sucks.