
theres something about this game. while i could start off this review by describing it succinctly with the help of a few words; quiet, slick, kinetic, psychotic, vomit-inducing, i dont think that would exactly convey across how it made me feel. theres something about this game, something about the universe and the characters and their worlds, their lives. normally any given piece of media would invite you into its world in this ritualistic dance of immersion, show you its literary teeth, its ideas, its context, give you a window into the lives of its characters etc. up until now that was also how we were introduced into this myopic world of Hello Charlotte, as the first two episodes despite making up the main story seemed more like worldbuilding exercises in comparison. but episode 3? as soon as you begin its story you can feel a presence, a something, beyond the grating dry wit and the tumblr esque tenants you had grown accustomed to, a real something within this game. a something that chafes at the restraints between art and voyeur, that spews out its characters and circumstances out like bile, crashing and gnawing at one another violent and abrasive repressive and cathartic all in one and all for nothing and nothing and nothing at all. it is but a barely contained violence that permeates the experiences of the characters, the very language of the story, of its medium, of its audience. hc3 cranks up the body horror and the psychological fuckery to eleven, it tears down what we thought we knew about the story and our very relationship with it with such force that it may as well be concussive. all for what? meaning? if only that was so easy to obtain. maybe that is the meaning of this game. but is that what we seek media like this for? for meaning alone? maybe i, like some within the story am only constrained to carry out what is written out for me. maybe by writing about this game right now meaning has infected my brain and everything is now lost on me. perhaps. regardless, i like this game. five stars.


n.b im so saaad vincent/c turned out to only be a vessel :((( he was my fav boy and when the option came up in 2 i chose to commit suicide and be in his arms forever without skipping a beat LOLLL

this game is truly an achievement. ep 2 expands everywhere where ep 1 left me asking, and boy what a world that unfolded from that humble demo. a cerebral force at times, and an achingly gorgeous coming of age story at others, this completely otherworldly yet so human parable of relationships, of identity, of happiness, of godhood was simply put a piece of art. there's just not enough i can say about this story, with the characters and their relationships being all so just captivating. all the little details, the fiercely intricate world built here that just screams character from every tile to every background. its a work of art. and without a doubt i will be thinking about it for a long time to come <3

hauntingly evocative, and very very charming. despite its not quite intuitive puzzles, dated (imo) drawings and rather short length, i found this game an overall endearing experience! looking forward to the next two for sure :)

really fun and kinda cute rts! with my only experience in the field being starcraft 2 im glad its more of a grand strategy hybrid specimen of the genre, makes thing easier for me to manage, while still retaining deep complexity and nuance. good game!

very cool fun game with lots of little cool details and gimmicks which i think make it stand out alot. also instilled in me the absolute terror of facing democracy and its 500kg explosive salvos (those being operated by my friends of course).

sometimes ur expectations get set so high for a piece of media it doesnt seem reasonable for the actual experience to meet them. well, its not like its never been said before but this game absolutely took my breath away. masterfully executed horror complimented by the gorgeous aging of its technical limitations, incredibly sturdy (and fun!) survival horror gameplay, and a tale of guilt and grief that transcends the medium. this game really has something special in it, beyond the suffering and the bleakness of its story and characters, there is a small but faint heartbeat, a heart that has been beating on for 20+ years, and will continue to beat on for many many years longer. silent hill 2 possesses a heart and soul wholly unique to it, and i can, with my own whole heart say for sure, will forever be remembered as one of the greatest to ever do it.

so simplistic, yet so enchanting...

the first play is gold. but afterwards...
the only other thing i have to say is that my friend always insists we take off our shirts when we play? i wonder whats up with that

generic yet funky fantasy mmo experience, perhaps the very progenitor of it. i have crippling social anxiety however

the perfect fighting game for a fucking brain dead person like me


when it comes to atmosphere, this thing is DRIPPING with it. you kinda need friends with a little more than an invertebrates attention span in order to really enjoy it tho.

bungie you will pay for what u did to this expansion back in 2020

a quaint modern mmo experience, the best the market seems able to offer as of right now. almost fell asleep just walking around gridania tbh

my diagnosis comes in next month