6 reviews liked by ladypip

This is more of a short part 2 to my Style Savvy: Styling Star review.

Because while playing Style Savvy in anticipation for Fashion Dreamer. I pretty quickly realized that none of the stuff that made Style Savvy so special was going to be in Fashion Dreamer. At least judging by the trailers, and now after reaching the credits I can confirm it. They got rid of all the narratives and this world of fashion influencers is strange and creepy and soulless. Which just leaves the dressing up, which is...fine. It's not really implemented well and is oddly restrictive between the body types, but I AM a cute girl, and I DO look good. You can go into some pretty good detail with the colors on individual pieces. Ultimately though, the game just has nothing going for it when stacked up against any of the Style Savvy games.

Which I guess they weren't trying to make a Style Savvy game, they were trying to do something different. But maybe they SHOULD have tried to make a modern Nintendo Switch Style Savvy game, it would have been incredible.

If you are interested in this game and haven't played Styling Star or any of the other three Style Savvy games. Go play Styling Star. You've been putting off hacking your 3DS for long enough. The time is now.

This game is driving me mad. I keep flip flopping between 3 and 2 stars.

So on the one hand I feel like I'm underselling the dressing up of this dress up game. Like the dressing up is good. There is a lot of clothes and hair and face and color options. You can really get lost in the min-maxing of very small details of your overall aesthetic and Fashion Dreamer really excels at this. So I think it is good at BEING a dress up game and that should be worthy of 3 stars.

But on the other hand the very act of existing in this world is torture. The stationary NPCs and their maddening voice acted one liners are atrocious. All the Bingo cards and gacha shit are a plague on my experience. Most of the gameplay is liking clothing on a menu. One by one. It feels like a glorified mobile game. When I first saw the Nintendo Direct featuring this game I thought of how interesting the concept of a "dress up game" was. I did a little bit of research and found Style Savvy: Styling Star and after playing it I thought, "wow, this genre has so much to offer." It was just such a beautiful experience from beginning to end. And then this comes out and there is just zero attempt at an emotional connection. Am I asking too much for a bit more pathos out of what is essentially just Farming Simulator: But Clothes This Time? Perhaps I am.

Ultimately though, I'm left feeling a bit confused, a bit frustrated, and that lands me on a 2 star verdict.

god this is just a lovely little thing. short and less freeform than bokunatsu but has a similar nostalgic charm in its setting. i am officially alot more interested in looking into those games after how much i enjoyed this one! the collectibles strewn all over the place is the one real gripe i have, just felt like busy work to run through town and gather them for cards constantly, but it really makes up for it with its endearing characters and their arcs. the cleaner dad and the bad kid and the gung-ho woman at the tv station are my favs but everyone sketches out this town so warmly, this world from the pov of children at play watching adults at work, the potential of heroes sleeping within anybody and everybody. i thought the janken minigame was honestly kinda fun too, i especially liked how certain layers to it unfurled in the post-game!!!

This is the very definition of a hidden gem, it's full of heart and just the comfiest i've been playing a video game, it's adorable and just very pretty.
It's short but jam packed with charm which has left me wanting more..
it's a real shame that to this day it's the only Kaz Ayabe to have been localized or even translated at all

This game is amiibo compatible and I just wanna point out that in this game if you scan the Lucina amiibo, you can have Fire Emblem Awakening's own Lucina, a princess from a grim future who's traveled back in time to stop the apocalypse and the death of everyone she's ever loved, walk into your shop and have you pick out the best oufit for her, and I think that's so cool.



All you can do in this game is watch your cat run around in your really ugly living room. The most exciting thing in this whole shitshow is the very rare moment your fleabag takes a shit in the litterbox that you can clean off in 2 seconds. I legitly know no person that ever played this game and liked it. Save your money and your sanity, because it will shatter the moment you hear the really terrible theme song that plays once you start the game and will haunt you for the rest of your life.

i wish everyone that wants to play this a very don't