96 Reviews liked by lasagnaloverleo

Most unnecessarily stupid fucking hard game ever, and I love it for that

The graphics were quite something at the time but apart from that...

Even a Devil May Cry when he loses a 3 Dante's Awakening - Special Edition

Getting scoliosis is more fun than this game.

This 97 year old kindergarten still serves peak The old fashioned banban way

(Third Playthrough)
...April 30th?

Calling this work of art my favorite video game ever made doesn't do it justice. A lot of people say video games change their lives, but this game actually changed my life. This game isn't just my favorite video game ever, It's my favorite piece of art ever, It's my favorite piece of storytelling ever. It's been about 2 years since I played it for the first time and cemented it as my favorite. This game will always be the most personal piece of art ever created for me and I will continue to cherish this fantastic work of fiction for the rest of my life.

anyway im gonna go play as raiden in fortnite now

Half way through fighting the last boss i fumbled my controller out of my hands and it landed directly on my laptop screen and broke it and i had to beat the rest of the boss on my external monitor

games good though LOL

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when it asked me to draw my best friend i drew kinito getting shot and he liked it so much he hung it up in our private house later
I want one of those plushes BAD I don't care if its haunted or whatever

Is it a scary horror game? No but most modern horror games aren’t. Is it really really cool? Absolutely. I think too many people are viewing this as a game that’s trying really hard to be scary and failing when in reality I think it’s just trying to be a cool project. Some of the stuff it did I’m still not sure HOW it did and that’s really cool. It’s a really great time but don’t expect to be screaming in your room over it.

Beggin' on her knees to be popular
That's her dream, to be popular (Ha)
Kill anyone to be popular (Hm)
Sell her soul to be popular (Popular)
Just to be popular (Uh-huh)
Everybody scream 'cause she popular (Ha)
She mainstream 'cause she popular
Never be free 'cause she popular

I wasn't expecting much out of an April Fool's game but this one was charming. Makes me want another Sonic visual novel. It's got amusing dialogue, fun gameplay, a chill soundtrack, a pleasant artstyle, which is everything I'd want out of a Sonic game. Especially the way the characters are utilized. You know, Sonic's friends are mad enjoyable when they get to show off their personalities and aren't just there, being cheerleaders. If Sega made more fun and silly games like this, I'd be more than happy to support them.

This is one little game I will always return to