442 Reviews liked by lavabro

This review was written before the game released

This game was a little disappointing in the story/music department for me, and I almost marked it 3 and a half stars for it, however there is one image near the very end of the game that made me give it an extra half star. If you know you know.

After several months I change my mind it's a 2

DMC1 good start
DMC2 peak
DMC3 really good (not as good as 2)

she kinda bad tho the fighting game

Glad I got to see the crown jewels of Mor Ardain again (Brighid's boobs)

Every time I died when a boss had like a sliver of health left it felt like I had my balls chopped off. Overall very enjoyable experience, can't wait to play Symphony of the Night.

Map design kinda sucked at times, but Sonya had nice boobs.

I bought this game because 2B had a really nice ass. I then got pulled in by the story, and now I am suffering through an existenial crisis. Also if you don't do the thing it asks you to do at the end you have no balls.