442 Reviews liked by lavabro

Kaito's a chad, a dad, and has a woman that's kinda bad.

"I am Malenia, blade of Miquella" will haunt me till the day I die.

Kevin and the White Boy Summer gang save the day from a used condom.

Hey there, everybody. It's Ryu, from streets. Did you know? My favorite things are... jumping into the lake fierce, stale bread, water without any ice, the newest season of The Simpsons, aaaand Dirt. See you in street fighter five, everybody.

This game filtered me for like 3 years. Also probably won't play X-2 :trolled:

my computer sounded like the "aaauuuuugh" sound effect when running this

Kevin recruits Big Dick to the White Boy Summer Gang. With this new found ally the White Boy Summer Gang conquered all.

Playing mini golf with a big group = heavy usage of slurs

Kiryu and Sayama really should have fucked