441 Reviews liked by lavabro

where the fuck is bleach collab

The game where you and a group of friends play it for a week; do everything, then drop it for a year. The cycle never ends.

Bro's hand is on fire, he got 5000 shots fired in 35 mins. I hope he doesn't go that fast whenever he goes to do the "deed"

The depth and intricacies of Perry Ball is really quite excellent. You can really see the amount of thought and effort put into such a masterful work.

My absolute favorite part of this masterpiece is when Phineas says "You got a multi-ball" in a sorrow, yet hopeful tone.

It genuinely brought a tear to my eye. 5/5

small UI and text filtered my asian eyes

The monkey watch turned into the pack watch real quick

Might be contemplating self harm now

She got a sword, and over a long period of time loved that sword. She became attached to that sword like no other sword ever. Then when she loved that sword most it got a massive tumor and she cried and then banged herself.

should've been called death of the wild

This game got more sauce than every other fighting game. It makes Tekken, UMVC3, and MK all look dryer than your phone.

If you don't like this game or series you have no joy in your life