439 Reviews liked by lavabro

It's slop man... they make you do 5 stages and then do them all again to collect items that unlock the true ending. Also unlocking charge attacking and firing upwards takes until halfway into the game.

The only Inti Creates game I have ever dropped FYI

I'd gas this game up a lot if the combat wasn't mind numbing and levels were shorter + better designed with less enemies to reward speed so they don't stop you much

best horde co-op shooter ever made idc

where it all started. the best N64 game

Likely never finishing this game, idgaf man.

It's a fetchquest simulator with mind-numbing combat and stiff animations

Excited for Hundred Heroes though. I guess a plus is that I got enough time to see some characters I'll recognize in the main game

I had to unwillingly drop this game for a week just to be able to tolerate finishing it

Fuck this game's level design, I'm never picking it back up. Shit will never amount to being as good as the first one

awesome game, I love the way case 4 completely interconnects most things in the game

finding out how Phoenix lost his attorney badge was great

just felt that some things weren't concluded/addressed enough at the end

anyways, Klavier Gavin da 🐐