15 reviews liked by lavishhfein

Legacy of the First Blade could've been wonderful, with its promise to delve into the origins of Darius the Persian. Unfortunately, what Legacy mostly is, is more of the same gameplay as Odyssey, but without the bonus of taking place in anywhere new. Instead we traipse over the same map doing the same gameplay, just this time with the Order of Ancients rather than the Cult of Kosmos. While there are some sweet story moments and a singularly heartbreaking connection to Origins on offer, it doesn't make up for the repetition. It's still high quality, but after so long in the base game, the lustre is wearing thin.

This dlc feels like an extended side-quest. The mission structure, gameplay and plot are very akin to what you already experienced in the main game. It even comes a brand new set of cultists to deal with, your mileage may vary depending on how much you enjoyed the main game. It’s a lot more of the same. It’s a shame when dlc’s don’t get to experiment with the gameplay and scenarios, this is an aspect where the Atlantis dlc greatly overshadows this one.

The writing is very hit or miss. I never bought any of the nonsense the order was preaching. It’s never been easier to choose violence in each encounter as it was the fastest way of shutting them up.

The core theme of this dlc is inheritance as this is the setup on how Kassandra’s legacy led to the order in Egypt. The romance with Natakas was so poorly built and rushed compared to other conquests in the game. The emotional core is Kassandra’s voice actress, she gives a performance unmatched by anyone else in the cast. It’s just such a shame that it’s hindered by Ubisoft’s lack-luster animations. The sense of urgency and emotional moments are also dragged down by the need to make everything follow the same formula. There is a mourning scene towards the end when Kassandra gets to say her last goodbyes. It could’ve ended there, but nope. You gotta go on a fetch quest around the map for 3 items, then you’re allowed to conclude your farewell. Ubisoft loves stepping on its own feet for the sakes of keeping structure

Alright so I didn't play this game, so I'm not rating it. However, out of a mixture of morbid curiosity and just curiosity I went and watched a fan translation of the original JP script, and I thought I should share my thoughts because I can see other people being curious about this. Some people go and claim that Other M is a story that was ruined in localization, and it's technically true? It's a pretty bad localization job, a lot of lines are sloppily translated and make no sense at all, and some are just wrong, man. I'd say the biggest beneficiary of the JP translation is the relationship between Samus and Adam, which feels a lot less abusive and toxic, and more like a legitimate teacher/student thing. However, to those who say the story is fine, or even good, in the Japanese version? Absolutely not. All of the big issues are still there. The restrictions on Samus' equipment make no fucking sense, the Ridley scene is awful, Adam's sacrifice might be the most contrived piece of writing I've ever seen, the Deleter/Hitman plotline is basically left hanging, Samus acts like a confused child rather than the strongest bounty hunter in the galaxy (canonical, Sakamoto-written title) who has already saved the galaxy 6-7 times (2-3 if you think Other M doesn't consider the Prime games canon), Anthony is... fine, actually, I like the guy.

In my opinion, the worst flaw of Other M's story is that, despite Samus monologuing for hours over inane navel gazing bullshit like the writers took "Show don't tell" as a personal insult, it has nothing to say. For all the gesturing at motherhood I wouldn't really say it's a coherent part of the story, just something that frequently happens to be part of it. The closest thing Other M has to a theme is that the Galactic Federation is bad, but even then it's just "yep some parts of them are corrupt, but Adam was sure cool". Samus doesn't have an arc, she just thinks a lot about things without ever really getting to any conclusion other than "wow, that Adam guy sure was cool and smart". Hell, she doesn't even matter, her only contributions to the story are killing a few monsters that the GF would struggle with, and even then she doesn't even ever fight the final boss, she just gets shot to death by some space cops while Samus watches dumbfounded. The big event that got her to leave the Galactic Federation isn't something she did, it's just a dramatic moment for Adam (who legitimately is more of a protagonist than her in here- he even has the big reveal in the post-game, not Samus) that she just happens to react to that way. She doesn't even kill Ridley in the scene that's meant to be her overpowering her fears, he just fucks off and gets killed off-screen. This story is dazzlingly incompetent, and I genuinely cannot comprehend what it's even trying to do. There ain't no point to the game, man.

easily my favorite one of these since hollow knight. really, my only complaints are that it can take a little to get properly into it, some of the hitboxes can be wonky, and the second boss wasn't very good. after 100%ing this i just want more - being able to replay bosses would be so much fun, they're easily the spotlight here, and the later ones are just fantastic. if you like hollow knight or sekiro, you owe it to yourself to play this - and the best thing about it is that it uses those two games as a springboard to create its own fascinating identity, a large part of it owed to the incredible scenario of the game, the uncovering of which is one of the great joys of a playthrough. go play it, this is some good shit

Fun little game to mess around with for like an hour.
Some first discoveries I got were:
Alien Occupy Wall Street
President Dimitrescu (I am not a Resident Evil Fan)
Dinosaur Evil 6 (Again, I repeat, I am not a resident evil fan lol)

The exploration mechanics in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild are so robust that every inch of the world can be reached. There are rewards littered all over the map, so no matter where you go, there's something waiting for you.

baby's first open world, but actually good though

After 100%'ing this game twice, I think it's probably my favorite 🤯👍

Idk how collecting korok poop is fun. But it is.

The landscapes and settlements are magical, and the lighting engine makes sunrises and sunsets look like the most beautiful painting. The worldbuilding is also stellar, with a fantastic backdrop of 100 years ago lore.

i may never replicate the feeling of playing this game with 4 controllers simultaneously because my siblings didn't want to play through the entire game with me just so i could get a single stamp. also bowser's fury is a mainline game