I trained these lil guys so hard they turned into actual poo. 5/5 stars would do it again.

If you can sing the intro to this bad boy we can be friends

Didn't know I was competitive until I started the time trials against my friends

A hunter is a hunter even in a dream baybeeeee love this game SO much

Sometimes you just gotta throw apples at animals for the vine

I look unhinged when I play this game. Absolutely feral.

Cannot believe I let these villagers speak to me the way they do. "It's been 6 months!" YES AND??? Do you pay rent?!

Why yes, I DID main a night elf ranger, thank you so much for asking.

The level with the dinosaur?? And you gotta get the eggs???? Gold.

The hours I lost to this game

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Genie Jafar Aladdin Abu is the code to the genie's levels YOURE WELCOME